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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up Chapter 98 English: The bathroom door was slightly pushed open a gap


Suddenly, the sound of waves hitting the hull of the ship came. It was not very heavy, and it seemed unusual on the sea.

Mu Heng frowned slightly and looked out the porthole.

In the distance is suffocating darkness, and the pitch-black sea water is swaying against the fog, like thick ink, completely unable to be penetrated by the line of sight.

Mu Heng turned his head, raised his hand and rubbed the soft top of the boy's hair, and said:

"wait for me."

Shi An blinked and gave an obedient "Oh".

After the opponent's figure left the hatch, he looked down at his fingertips wrapped in band-aids.

The movement of the joints is somewhat limited, although there is still a dull pain, but it is much better.

But I don't know why, the burning touch left by the other party's lips and tongue seems to stay there, unable to dissipate for a long time.

He frowned slowly, with a look of confusion on his face.

Mu Heng left the cabin and came to the pilot room.

The members of the bureau responsible for sailing the ship were all surprised when they saw Mu Heng. Obviously, they didn't think why the chief came here suddenly.

One of them asked cautiously: "Sir, what instructions do you have?"

Mu Heng shook his head and looked out the window of the pilot room.

The view here is much clearer than the porthole, but it is not much stronger.

This sea area is covered by dense fog, especially in the middle of the night, it is almost impossible to see the distant channel, and can only use radar to guide the way.

The radar was also dark, only the green indicator in the center representing the ship flashed regularly.

There is nothing unusual.

However, Mu Heng's brow furrowed tighter.

He turned to look at the crew on the side and asked, "Are there any weapons on board?"

The crew member was startled and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes."

Although it is a speedboat known for its speed, it was built for the purpose of combat after all, and basic attack devices are still available.

"How much area can it cover at most?" Mu Heng asked.

Crew: "With the ship as the center, about three or three nautical miles?"

Mu Heng: "Enough."

He squinted his eyes, tapped the metal tabletop with his fingertips, and slowly said, "Launch."

The crew was startled: "Send, launch?"

He lowered his head and glanced at the radar plate. The image above hadn't changed at all compared with the previous one. There were no other ships in the entire sea area except them.

The crew murmured, "Which way... is that going?"

Mu Heng: "Just ahead."

He thought for a while and added: "Use your most dynamic weapon."

Although puzzled, the orders of superiors cannot be violated.

The crew was skillfully maneuvering on the screen. Soon, the hull shook slightly with the rapid energy filling, making a harsh roar. Then, only a sharp scream cut through the darkness and silence, powerful The wave of magic power struck straight ahead!

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