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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU MTL English Chapter 79: The dragon has already descended on the world with a monstrous flame that can destroy the world.


The principal's studio.

The sky outside the window was faint and dim, and the huge studio was shrouded in a bleak twilight.

The narrow and cramped room was filled with old scrolls, and several star candles were placed high and low around the room, and the dim yellow candlelight illuminated the crowded studio.

Principal Pei sat alone in the dark red armchair.

He lowered his eyes and flipped the translation in front of him, holding a quill pen in his other hand, writing and drawing on a piece of paper.

The nib rubbed against the surface of the paper, making a rustling sound, echoing in the quiet working room.

After a long time, he put down the pen, turned his head and glanced out of the narrow and long window.

It's getting late.

Old Principal Pei stood up tremblingly and straightened the scroll in front of him with his old hand.

He conveniently took the manuscript from Shi'an's position just now and glanced down casually.

I have to say that Shi'an is the most gifted student in ancient writing that he has seen since his teaching career.

Although the other party has translated some basic content recently, they are all very accurate.

There was a look of admiration in the eyes of Old Principal Pei.

At this moment, his gaze suddenly paused, and his gaze stopped somewhere on the parchment for a moment.

There was a random circle drawn there, and a few scribbles were outlined next to it. It looked like a duck with an open mouth. The brush strokes were immature, and people couldn't help but smile when they saw it.


Principal Pei showed a thoughtful look.

He has an impression of this position.

The main reason why he left the studio so late today is mainly because of this.

He could not successfully translate this entire paragraph anyway.

Principal Pei stroked his fingertips on the circled position of the opponent, and fell into thought.

After a long time, he seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and he couldn't help being startled slightly.

Old Principal Pei reached out and picked up the crutches on the side, and came to the top of the spire alone.

Where is the ancient book that Mu Heng brought.

Since ancient books are extremely precious and difficult to preserve, they must be stored in a closed, dark and narrow space. At the same time, there are strict requirements for the concentration of magic power in the air. In order to protect the ancient books and to reduce the damage to the ancient books by frequent flipping, the translation work they have done in the past was not done directly on the books.

However, some ancient books can be photographed, and some cannot.

This is determined by the material of the writing paper and the type of magic attached to it.

The book that Mu Heng brought can not be photographed. The magic attached to it can interfere with the machine's image capture, so they can only use the most primitive method, which is copying.

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