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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up Chapter 115 MTL: Dragon's Privacy


Shi An: "..."

He has forgotten this.

Xiao Yinlong hesitated to hug the sapphire with his paws, and flicked his tail anxiously.

Mu Heng did not urge, but waited patiently.

"But strictly speaking, this is also what I earned, right?" Xiao Yinlong tilted his head and solemnly quibbleed: "I helped catch that spider!"

Mu Heng didn't seem to notice Shi'an's intention to repay the debt.

He looked down and thought for a while: "Indeed."

"So to be fair, you can still ask me for something." Mu Heng gently rubbed Xiaolong's chin with his knuckles, and his voice was quiet, as if he didn't have any desires: "Anything is fine."

Shi An didn't realize that he had been brought into the ditch unknowingly.

He blinked: "Anything is fine?"

Mu Heng nodded.

Shi An's eyes lit up, and he gestured with his paws: "Do you remember that book?"

Mu Heng: "Book?"

Shi An nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's the one you brought me to translate before!"

Mu Heng sighed softly: "Unfortunately, I can't promise you this."

Shi An asked suspiciously: "Why?"

The silver-haired man lowered his head, squinted his eyes slightly, and said: "After killing the old principal Pei, the people in black robes took the book."


The little silver dragon dropped to the ground and put his head on the man's leg, his tail hanging down sluggishly.

At this moment, a man's low voice came from above his head:

"I can ask, what do you want that book for?"

"There are a lot of abnormal things in that book." Shi An replied defenselessly.

Mu Heng raised his eyebrows: "Perverted?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yinlong nodded seriously, adding to the tone of his own words: "Your ancestors are really too much. There are many things that are very private to the dragon. These things shouldn't let anything except Races other than dragons see...No, even dragons shouldn’t see it!"

The man stroked his back and paused without a trace: "For example?"

Shi An: "..."

He stuffed his head under his wings and said dullly, "I won't tell you."

Mu Heng looked thoughtfully at the little dragon that had shrunk into a ball on his knees:

"Actually, there is one more book in the Mu family's library."

Shi An: "?!"

He pulled his head out from under his wings and looked up at Mu Heng in amazement: "What, what?!"

Mu Heng grabbed his film-like dragon wings and touched the delicate and cold scales with his fingertips.

As he touched, he casually added:

"There are three books in this set. One of them was lost a long time ago. The second one was taken to the school to ask Principal Pei to help translate. The last one has been kept in Mu's library."

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