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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up Chapter 116 RAW English: The knowledge in books ultimately needs to be practiced


Like a tape recorder that finally played, the spider stopped talking.

The whole institute fell into a dead silence.

Zhuo Fu stood in front of the incubator, and it took several seconds to finally come back.

He slammed the collar of the researcher aside, breathing quickly, and his voice tense: "Have you recorded it just now?"

The researcher was taken aback by him:

"Yes, of course."

All their experiments are recorded and backed up in the database.

"Hurry up!" Zhuo Fu ordered.

"Yes, yes!" The researcher stammered, "But it may take a while..."


The researcher trot all the way to adjust the backup.

Zhuo Fu walked around the incubator anxiously.

If he guessed correctly, the spider spit out this recording just now, it is very likely that it was the originator of these recent visions, probably after creating the gap where the purple mist escaped. This broken conversation happened to be recorded by a nearby mutant monster.

The research institute has not yet returned, Zhuo Fu can't wait.

He dashed to the incubator:

"Quick, you say it again."

The spider stared at him with eight dark eyes, opened his mouth, and screamed familiarly:

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Zhuo Fu: "..."

This stupid thing is really useless at all.

Forget it, I'll wait.

Finally, five minutes later, the researcher hurried over with the backup of the experiment.

Zhuo Fu kept an eye on it, listening to this voice over and over again, writing and drawing in the notebook, and scribbled something.

After a long time, he stopped, and then hurriedly called Mu Heng's number.

No one answered the two consecutive calls.

After Zhuo Fu thought restlessly for a few seconds, he suddenly sat up from his seat.

He ordered the other researchers to process the remaining data, but not to touch the spider monster, and then grabbed his coat from the seat and rushed out.

Can't wait for this matter.

Inside Mu Jiazang Pavilion.

Shi An looked at the human above his head in disbelief, and asked:

"You, do you recognize the words above?"

Obviously, when the school was translating before, Mu Heng's speed was always very slow. Why is it that he is not as suffocated as reading ordinary human books?

Mu Heng touched Xiaolong's back and replied calmly:


Shi An: "???"

and many more?

Mu Heng: "There is a saying that the use and interpretation of ancient languages ​​is closely related to the magic of the writer, which is why it is so difficult for modern people to interpret ancient classics."

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