143 & 144 (END)

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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up 143 English MTL: The price of softheartedness


Although the separation time is only a few days, for Mu Heng, every moment is an extremely long suffering.

He never showed any extra emotions during this time.

It seems to have completely eliminated all strong emotions from his own system, without showing the slightest bit.

Rage, despair, panic, and worry were all deeply suppressed under the seemingly calm surface. The dark and gloomy emotions flowed silently like a swamp, rapidly expanding over time.

The urge to thirst for blood and destruction rose in his heart, clamoring, agitating, and instigating all the time.

Worst of all, Mu Heng was not prepared to stop this impulse.

It's like a crazy beast in his chest, forgetting how to cry, let alone how to stop it, and can only vent his despair through bloodthirsty roars and killings.


Shi An is back.

Mu Heng leaned down, his eyes darkened.

He kissed the tip of his sweaty nose, and his lips were hot. Although the action was fierce, the kiss was as light as feathers and was cautious.

--He is back.

Shi An sobbed and buried his head in the opponent's neck.

Mu Heng didn't lie to him this time.

It really doesn't hurt anymore.

But after the pain disappeared, the other senses became more acute, and on the contrary, it was more difficult to endure than last time.

Shi An vented his anger and took a bite on the other's shoulder. He didn't stop until he tasted the smell of blood in his mouth.

But looking at the **** tooth marks on the opponent's skin, Shi An felt a little unbearable.

He blinked, leaned forward cautiously, licked with the tip of his wet and cold tongue, the other party's movements were unmarked, and then he dragged him into a new round of storms.

Shi An gripped the opponent's flesh with his teeth, gritting his teeth while regretting.

He is no longer softhearted!

After a whole number of days, Zhuo Fucai and Mu Heng resumed contact.

Although the man on the screen did not seem to be different from the previous one, Zhuo Fu was able to vaguely capture some subtle differences between him and the previous one.

When Shi'an disappeared, the terrorist who wished to overturn the entire continent finally disappeared. Although Mu Heng's face still had no extra expression on his face, Zhuo Fu could clearly feel that the other party was calm and happy now. Needless to say--

Mu Heng's gaze slowly moved down, falling between the opponent's shoulders and neck.

At the junction of the collar and neck, a looming tooth mark can be seen. The bloodstain seems to have not dried up yet, it is obviously a recent injury.


The corners of Zhuo Fu's eyes twitched.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to forcibly look away, and said: "The news and online comments during this period of time don't know if you have followed..."

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