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One month ago
You knocked out the guard quickly before slipping into the city of Ba Sing Se.  You ran in the shadows silently. You missed the ones you loved so deeply it hurts.  You hopped the fence to the largest home in the inner ring. Except the palace of course. You slipped into the cellar that was always unlocked for you. You sneaked up the stairs past your friends' parents. You knocked the secret knock. She opened the door quickly and pulled you into a hug.
"I thought you weren't coming back." Toph murmered stepping away.
"I keep my promises don't I?" You smiled at her and she hugged you again.
"What do you need?" Toph asked realizing why you were there in the first place.
"I need a home. For a while too. I need to learn earth bending. I am half avatar. I control the half elements. The last half avatar was Sozin." You explained. Toph's mom opened the door and nearly cried when she saw you. She was your mom for almost a year due to your parents having to leave for the war.
"(YN)honey..." She trailed off hugging you. This was home. Not the
Fire nation or on Appa's back. Toph smiled slightly as you invited her to the hug.

First chapter. Done. I'm sorry it was short. But I am still busy.

Wild Fires; Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now