Southern Air Temple

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You haven't said anything for two days, Aang still hasn't woken up. You were on your way to the Southern Air Temple in hope that it could help Aang heal faster. Toph talked to you while you stayed up all night long flying Appa but eventually fell asleep herself. You had isolated yourself from everyone but had started to work more on metal bending. You had began to form Zuko from a slab of metal you took. You bent every detail in his smirking face. His eyes the way they sparkled. His scar the way it didn't destroy his handsomeness. You fell in love with sculpture and crushed it back into a metal ball. You let silent tears slide down your cheeks but then you saw a shape in the darkness.  It was the temple. You landed Appa and gently air bent all the supplies to the ground and lifted them into their sleeping bags and sparked a fire. You sat there warming your hands before wandering the temple. You walked past the statue room and saw there was no statue of Aang. You cracked your neck and began to work on the statue of the young avatar. It was dawn when you were done with the statue of Aang with his cheesy grin and bright eyes. He  looked happy and unafraid. You left the statue room and wandered the temple even more till you found an old room that hand a handprint lock on it. You pressed your hand into the lock curiously and the door opened. When you stepped in you were amazed ignoring the door that locked behind you. There was a second statue room. That statue  at the end of the line was of Sozin. You gasped and looked at the statue next to him. It was you. You had the same emotionless look on your face as the others except you looked more sad. This was the half avatar statue room. You smiled happily walking along looking at your past selves. You came across a statue of a girl. It was an air bender. She was gorgeus. She had black hair that waved to the point where it was almost curly but not really. She had eyes that looked wise and filled with love. You looked at the plauque,

Mrs. Sato. You were curious but you kept moving through the room. You came across another statue.  A man it showed him striking out with lightning. You wandered the room for a few hours till you could hear the gang calling out to you. You waved goodbye to the statues smiling slightly and left the room.  You ran back to camp. Toph looked extremely relieved to see you.

"We thought you left, again." Sokka exclaimed. You shrugged and sat down on the ground and closed your eyes. Reaching out for a past life. You wanted to talk to someone who could be happy that you saw them. Soon, sitting in front of you was Mrs. Sato.

"Hello (YN)." She said warmly. Her hair was black as night and her eyes were a bright green. She was beautiful.

"Hello!" You greeted back. Your voice was croaky since you haven't used it in a while.

"You remind me much of my great grandson who was recently born. He will have a daughter, I can feel it. Even though he is only 1 he only wants the story of Asami a great warrior to be read to him before bed. I love my family. I can see you love yours too. They are worried about you (YN)." Mrs. Sato spoke fondly of great grandson and of you.

"I know, I jst don't think I am supposed to be the Avatar." You shrugged.

"You are not. But you will have to be for a few months, the world needed Aang now it needs you. Zuko loves you s much you know. I have seen it through your own eyes. He is worriedly pacing the fire nation palace as he gives trackers wrong information to find you. But he doesn't know he gave them right information, they are coming you must leave. But so must I. Play it safe (YN)" Then Mrs. Sato left.

TADA!!! It will all tie in the next set of books based off of LoK. I think it will be confusing though if the reincarnated version of you is namedd after you, especially when the reincarnated you will talk to you for help. Confusing right? So I have come up with a few names and if you think of other names for th reincarnted you then please comment them or comment the one you like best. I hope you like the one I love. Here are the choices.

1. Juniper Nicole - Main element: Earth - Magma

2. Raylynn Grace - Main element: Fire - Lightning

3. Lazelle Downs - Main element: Earth - Metal

4. Noel Lilly - Main element: Fire - Lightning

Comment a number or the name, I also think the reincarnated version of you will have a thing for the Fire Ferret Brothers ;)




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