Dinner with the Gang

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Once you reached home you skinned from your sweaty battle clothes and in to some nice clean pajamas. You flopped onto your queen sized bed. You almost fell asleep instantly except for Toph's scream for help. You ligit leapt from your window on the second floor and raced towards her. When you found her you saw a certain airbender leap over the wall. Aang had found you. You grabbed Toph and pulled her towards the house.

"I have got her guards don't worry." You called out and let Toph go through the doorway and once you were in her room you collapsed in a side chair.

"What's wrong with you?" Toph asked snappily.

"I only jumped out of the window of my room to get to you before the guards would." You responded out of breath. Toph scoffed.

"I would have been able to handle the guards on my own." Toph snapped. You knew she hated being treated like she really was a blind helpless little girl.

"Oh yeah by telling them oh Hey uh yeah the Avatar was just in the neighborhood and came to visit me!" You said sarcastically before sighing and standing up to look out the window. When you looked up your heart stopped. Aang was gone, but The Blue Sprit sat where Aang was just a few minutes ago. He looked right at you before leaving.

The next Evening.

You wore a silk, floor length, jade green dress that had sheer gold sleeves that draped off your arms like wisps, and gold flowers embroidered in it. You were stunning on this evening because Aang, Sokka, and Katara were downstairs waiting for you and Toph. You put a bright red lipstick on your lips and French braided you hair perfectly. Toph looked beautiful in her jade green kimono she usually wore. She let you put on a lavender on her eyes and a pale pink gloss over her lips. You pulled her thick black locks up into a bun. Then arm in arm you both made your way to the dining room. You kept your face emotionless as Sokka's jaw dropped and Katara gasped. You sat next to Toph on her mother's right. You waited to be spoken to before speaking like a good little princess you totally weren't.

"So (YN), how has it been since you vanished?" Sokka snapped angrily. You met Sokka's brown gaze. He must've seen the panic in your eyes.

"My life has been amazing. I have been reunited with my old family, I have a sister again, and I have a home." You responded making all three of them cringe away from your words as if they were poison.

"So you left us, for this fancy, stupid, piece of shit life?! I know you (YN) and you hate having to be taken care of." Katara swore angrily at you. You could feel Toph's parents gaze on you.

"I would have died if I stayed with you! I would have though Yu Ay told Sokka and would tell you! I had a broken heart and nobody could save me! I needed a hero to come and save me, so that's what I became." You shouted at them.

"Well on that note, your daughters must be amazing earth benders!" Aang said cheekily. Toph must-have hit his foot with a piece of earth cause Aang shot out of his seat with a yelp of pain.

"I think you should leave. Goodbye Avatar and friends." You dismissed them emotionlessly.

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