Crystal Clear

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You opened your eyes and shot up out of the ground. All of the Dai Lee ran at you. They earth bent hands at you and you crushed them with a signal blow and metal bent the metal in their hats things to cover their eyes and lifted them off the ground and crushed the rock from under their feet and water bent water into the ground making it really muddy. A few Dai Lee agents slipped and you kicked them into the air with blocks of earth. The agents that remained blind but standing you water bent the mud to trip them and froze the agents to the ground. When they were all defeated you looked at your friends and saw them struggling with the agents. You made your move over to them but you were stopped by a bolt of lightning. You turned and saw Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai.

"Come willingly and we might not hurt you." Mai said sarcastically. You knew the largest threat was Ty Lee because if she blocked your Chee you would be down for the count. You earth bent her feet to the ground pretty solidly and she let out a frustrated squeak. Azula didn't hesitate to send another bolt your way. You blocked it with a shot of water.  Mai threw her knives but you ducked quickly and whipped a stream of water at Azula and it struck her across the face.

"What do you want Azula?" You snapped at her dodging another bolt quickly. You moved in a circular pattern light on your feet and did the one thing you haven't since the fore festival. You air bent. You moved he air into a hurricane and it whipped around you and the other three girls. You made it narrower and narrower till you added water to the air and frozen ice shards that shot at the other girls.  They all shrieked when you began to metal bend the small metallic pieces in their clothes to make the fall to the ground. Then you bent their blood to make them look at you. "I asked you a question. What do you want?" You yelled over the whipping of the wind.

"It's not what we want it's what Dad wants. He thinks you are more dangerous than The real Avatar. He wants you to be on his side of the war willingly or not." Azula spat. Toph taught you how to know when people are lying. Azula for once wasn't. You dropped the winds and let them out of your blood bent spell but kept them all frozen to the ground in the mud. You ran over to where the gang used to be. But two people were missing. Zuko and Katara. You slid onto the ground swearing.

"What are you swearing about? You have no right to swear about losing them." Aang snapped suddenly. You stood and walked over to him. You were taller than he was by a lot.

"I love Zuko. No matter what I say or do, I will always love Zuko. He has good in him. You have to see that, he is not a bad person. He is confused. I love Zuko more than anything." You spoke softly. Aang hugged you tightly but you didn't see Iroh standing there till Aang backed away. He had tears in his eyes. That look of family and pride vanished. You turned and saw Mai who held a large tree branch and you didn't move fast enough out get out of range from her wing.


You woke up in a cavern filled with crystals it was the prettiest prison you have ever been in. You bean to wander when you realized Zuko and Kat could be here.

"Zuko? Kat?" You called. You heard footsteps running to you as they sprinted your way. You almost melted when they saw you and hugged you. It wasn't long till Aang showed up though, but Azula showed too.

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