Story Time

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When you came home in the middle of the night Toph was still awake. You could almost feel her anxiety. You walked into her room quietly. She took one look at you and ran over to you and hugged you tightly.

"I have to leave. I'm packing for tomorrow. The Avatar will take me with him. Come with me!" Toph said breaking the hug.

"I can't. There is something here that can cure it for good." You told her mentioning to your broken heart.

"Have you been crying?" Top asked after a pause.

"Yeah, I think that since your leaving you should know wht happened to me. When I was little I watched my family die, killed by the fire nation. I was made into a servant for the royal family, Ozai, Zuko, Azula, and Ursa. I insulted Sozin when I first met him. I was put into an Agni kai like Zuko against a very skilled non-bender named Mai. To be blunt I was six and kicked her ass. Sozin wasn't happy about it. So that started my punishments. Every time I would disrespect someone I would get burned by them. I met Zuko though. He gave me a tour of the palace and his Mother Ursa was so beautiful and kind. She never burned me or even scolded me. Years went on and Zuko and I became best friends. So when he face his father in his Agni Kai and his father went to scar Zuko I leapt in front of him saving the other half of his face. But my arm and hand is still scarred like his face. I was banished with him till we found the Avatar and I left with him, Sokka, and Katara. I went on so many adventures with them. I saved Aang, hand my brother brainwashed, fell in love with Zuko, got scarred on my back, got kidnapped by Jow and went to a fire festival. I also went to the North Pole and saw my good friend die and also kissed Zuko. But it all had a cost. My heart got hurt pretty bad. I almost died till I came here." You told Toph. Toph raised hereyebrows in amazement only remindng you of how much of a child she still was.

"Will I have adventures like that?" She asked in wonder.

"I wouldn't expect anything else. Knowing them they will try and hunt me down after I leave Ba Sing Se." You told her. Toph frowned.

"How will I find you?" She asked you her voice shaking.

"Find Zuko or Iroh and I should be nearby. If you meet an old woman in a small town, run. She is very dangerous. She taught me my blood bending skills." You told her of more of your tales and looked out te window at the moon waiting to look at it's comforting shine, but it wasn't there. The sky was moonless. You had blood bended on a new moon. You let out a little scream of horror.

"What?" Toph demanded as you covered your mouth in terror. You felt like a monster.

"I blood bent tonight, I'm supposed to only be able to do that on a full moon, it's a new moon." You explained your voice shaking. You changed quickly into your ring fighting clothes cloak and all grabbed a bag and stuffed it with essentials and went to leave.

"You're leaving now?!" Toph exclaimed.

"Tell them I got sick and am sleeping in late. Don't sarch for me for a while unless something horrible happens." You said and then you were off to The Jasmine Dragon.

Wild Fires; Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now