Katara's P.O.V.

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If you couldn't tell from the title this is in Katara's p.o.v. :)

I watched from the side lines standing in the water nearby watching as Toph taught Aang more earth bending. They've been at it since Toph arrived a few days ago. I was amazed at how well a blind girl could bend. I would think someone as important as Toph wouldn't be aloud to bed as advanced as she does.

"Let's take a break twinkle toes. I need to ask you guys something." Toph announced loudly. I stepped out of the water Sokka following me. I sat on one side of Aang while Sokka sat on the other side. Toph stood in front of us.

"What do you need my earthy friend?" Sokka asked sarcastically. I shot him a glare across Aang.

"How well did you guys know (YN)?" She asked. This must be urgent. We never talked about her. We try not to anyways, some things we just couldn't avoid her though.

"She was like my sister." I shrugged casually fighting tears. I missed her so much.

"I almost proposed to her when we were at the North Pole." Sokka told her. I knew this, we all discussed her thoroughly the nights after she disappeared.

"She and I agreed to protect each other like brother and sister. Since we are the last air benders." Aang sighed. Toph let out a frustrated groan and chucked a rock off into the distance.

"She and I were family. She was fully excepted into my family by my parents and our part of the upper ring of Ba Sing Se. I worry about her. I hope she is okay." Toph spoke sadly.

"What is she like, now anyways?" I asked curiously.

"Broken but strong. A little more confidence. A lot more smart ass, but her hair grew out longer, at least that's what my mom comments on all the time. She was okay, building herself back up. Till Zuko and his Uncle opened a tea shop in our ring. Then she changed it was like she was shattered all over again. I hope he hasn't hurt her." Toph said, that loud obnoxious girl gone into this actual little girl. My heart swelled at how much she has changed. I stood up and walked over to her hugging her tightly. I felt Toph's tears drip onto my bare arm. I looked at Aang who held his face in his hands. I looked at him worriedly.

"Some thing is wrong. I feel weaker. I feel like half of my avatar is gone." Aang Said tiredly. I heard Toph swear.

"We have to go back to the city. That was (YN). She was in her avatar state. Which means she is in trouble."

Back to you!

You opened your eyes and your vision was super blurry. Memories of what happened however long ago came back to you. You began to cough up water and saw a blurry shape moved towards you. You flinched away as it pressed onto your stomach you coughed up more water till it was tinted red. One sole voice stood out to you. It was Zuko singing.

Leaves from the vine.

Falling so slow.

Like fragile tiny shells,

drifting in the fall.

Little soldier boy,

come marching home.

Brave soldier boy,

come marching......


I AM SO SO SO SORRY ABOUT THE LACK OF UPDATES!!!!! Remember when I apologized for the spelling errors because my phone (which I update off of) got squished and was all messed up? Yeah well now I have no cell phone to update off of. I dropped my phone out of my pocket while getting out of the car. I didn't realize it. So the next day I didn't go to school because of a track meet. I do not run I'm a manager. So the day after the track meet my mom drops me off in the same area I lost my phone. I see my phone on the side of the road, broken beyond repair. The screen was so shattered and not to mention.... NOT ATTATCHED TO MY PHONE!!! So my phone is in three pieces. 1. the shattered screen that is so shattered little shards fall off. 2. The actual phone that is screenless and scratched and broken. The glass over the camera is even gone it' so broken. 3. The back that won't fit on the phone but is in one piece some how...... So yeah broken phone = lack of updates. Sorry again!!!!


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