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You left the Jasmine Dragon angry. You always knew you loved Zuko and always thought he loved you back. You walked and found your underground tunnel where you and Toph had practiced more advanced moves. You shook your head as a tear slid down your cheek. Mai and Zuko. Mako. You hated it. Out of all the people in the world it had to be her. You pulled your cloak over your face and grabbed you bag and some metal for defense against The Dai Lee which sooner or later would find this place. You walked out of the cave and past The Jasmine Dragon to leave Ba Sing Se. You facepalmed and groaned in frustration as you looked in the window and saw Zuko talking to Jet. You walked in.

"Get out. You are not welcome here. Not after what happened!" Iroh snapped at you. You ignored him and walked past Zuko and listened.

"I saw her earlier. She isn't some little girl anymore. I don't think you can take her down anymore." Zuko whispered. You felt anger spark.

"She had me brainwashed. I will kill her. You will help if I need it though right?" Jet said quieter. You met his brown gaze and Jet smirked.

"Yeah, of course." Zuko agreed. Your stomach dropped and your heart broke even more.

"Good." Jet smirked and shoved Zuko to the side making him hit the ground and the tea set shatter. Jet took out his weapons and swung at you. You leapt onto the table behind you dodging Jet's blows swiftly. You made a cord with a dagger at the end quickly ad whipped it at Jet. It sliced across his cheek. He looked amazed at you used the cord you swing yourself into the rafters. You stood up there.

"People say you are a spirit, mysterious, beautiful, and kind. They have given you a name too. The Golden Lilly. That's funny cause you are the Black Lilly to The Freedom Fighters. A legendary hero in our culture." Jet smirked. You cracked the cord at him and it sliced across his chest.

"Get out. Both of  you." Zuko suddenly yelled at you. You met his gaze with equal possibly more fury.

"Ooh, trouble in paradise?" Jet smirked. Your gaze never left Zuko's amber ones.

"We never made it to paradise." You snapped. "Someone else came along and strayed him from our path to paradise." You narrowed your eyes as Zuko opend his mouth to respond but Iroh interupted.

"My nephew said get out. So I suggest you leave before I make you."Iroh looked at you with such regret and fury you almost felt bad. You started to swing yourself down when the hooked end of Jet's weapon wrapped around your and yanked you to ground. You went to stand but Jet threw hot tea at you and began to kick you. You screamed at the burns and each kick you cried out. You tried to see Zuko but he and Iroh were gone. Went into the kitchen. Anger surged through like white fire. Your eyes began to glow as you caught Jet's foot and twisted till it snapped. You metal bent your self into some armor and made a giant wave of water.

"What happened to family?" Your voice was almost ghost like and was scary and demmanding. Zuko and Iroh must've heard cause hey both hung their  heads. You held the rushing water at bay before Zuko leapt in front of you.

"(YN) I am so sorry! Please just stop. I know Iroh and I haven't the best of family. Just stay here, and help us with the shop." Zuko begged.

"I can't." You sighed and let the wave eat you and only you before it dissapeared leaving you on the ground hardly breathing.

Wild Fires; Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now