In The Ring

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You watched in amazement as Toph stood her ground against Hippo. Some one in the crowd was  going crazy over it. You happened to see the person. It was a face you could never forget. It was Sokka. You pulled your hood over you face and groaned in frustration.

"Congrats to The Blind Bandit! Later this evening you will witness her fight The Boulder!" The announcer said into the microphone. The crowd went crazy. You were shoved into the ring by a manager. You were going up against a new bender also first. You would be lyng if you said you weren't nervous. This guy could be amazing. You still had your cloak on and the entire crowd was silent. You took off your cloak and threw it to the referee. You smiled a fake confident smile to the crowd. Then one person began to clap and cheer. You looked and saw Aang. He was waving and cheering and soon the whole crowd was cheering for you. Your confident smile became more real. You were amazed  at the new you.  You watched as your opponent stepped into the ring. You watched him pull off his hood. It was a Di Lee agent. You groaned in frustration again.
"Half z Avatar. Come with me to Lake Lou GI." The agent called out to you.
"I have told you a million times no." You snapped at him. The agent threw an earth hand at you. You blocked it with a slab of rock and shoved the wall at him.. You quickly moved right NAD dropped under ground. You listened for his footsteps. You smirked as he stopped moving and launched yourself up words under his feet throwing him out if the ring. Nobody knew whether to cheer or shriek and run away.
"THATS MY BEST FRIEND!" You heard Katara scream and then the crowd erupted in cheers and whistles. Some guys threw up signs that said be my girlfriend. You glanced st Toph who was grinning proudly at you. You waved to the crowd. Everyone was super excited for you. That was till Sokka stepped into the ring. Then it was silent.
You got into a fighting stance.
"Sokka GI home." You told him.
"No earth bending." Sokka snapped. He didn't realize you were a half avatar yet did he? You knew Nobody not even Toph knew you could metal bend kinda. You weren't ready to expose it against Sokka. He flung himself at you sloppily. You dodged quickly to the left away from him and shoved him to the ground. Sokka let out a grunt as he launched his boomerang at you. You caught it and threw it off the side of the ring. Sokka let out s frustrated growl. Sokka swung his fist and you caught it and shoved him away.
"I said. Go home Sokka." You repeated yourself. Sokka only screamed and leapt at you like a wild animal. You ducked and lifted him up from underneath him and rolled him out the side of the ring.
"And Now the Blind Bandit versus the Boulder!" The announcer said awkwardly. After Toph won her fight Aang stepped into the ring. An airbender versus a blind girl. Not fair. But Aang airbended Toph out of the ring you grabbed your cloak and left with her ignoring Sokka, Katara  and Aang's cries  for you to stop.

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