Breaching the Fire Nation

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You sat in the drivers seat on Appa soaring above the sky as the decoy. The team and you had made a plan to get into the fire nation. It's been nearly 2 months and Aang still hasn't woken up. It worries you that you could end up killing the Fire Lord. Kat tries to comfort you and the rest of the team but it never seems to work for more than an hour. We had an amazing new crew. We have several freedom fighters, a few earth benders from Toph's day in the ring, an army of Kioshe Warriors, and quite a few water tribe soldiers including Kat and Sokka's Dad. So much has changed. You are more muscle than just skin and bones, you get letters from Zuko all the time, and oh yeah Aang has HAIR. It is kind of scary. Your old (HC) locks are always pulled back in a half up half down hairstyle. It is longer now and your heart break is gone. You are happy now. You looked down at the fire nation ship you were flying above and saw Katara and the rest of the crew inside a water bubble underneath the ship. We needed this ship specifically because it was an armor shipment and was going to supply your disguises. It took a few weeks to come up with every situation and make the plan hole-less. You heard the soldiers start shouting orders and you  fastened Aang in the saddle as he lay there asleep. You watched as the crew leapt onto the deck. The ship was ours in mere seconds. You landed Appa on the deck and carried Aang off the big furry beast. You carried Aang into the Captains Quarters laying him on the large bed removing his shirt and changing his bandages. He would be scarred for a while. You covered him with the red blanket. When Aang wakes up he would flip out in the fire nation room. You sighed and found the shipment and bean handing out uniforms and helmets. You put on the armor scrunching your nose at it's smoky scent. When you went above deck you saw the bird circling over head. You whistled and it shrieked coming for you. You took the letter from it's paper holder.


I miss you a lot. But we can't see each other in person because of you know.... Anyways the entire nation thinks Aang is dead, I almost do to. But I would like you  to have this picture of me and Azula, I took it a few days ago or a week ago depends on when you get this. If you don't know Mai and I started to date. I am so sorry but I am confused and Mai is a good way to forget about everything. I love you still though, just it's not as strong since we are so far apart. I'm sorry.

Love, Zuko.

You frowned at the note grabbing a piece of paper and started to write.


I miss you too but don't be sorry about you and Mai, I know I don't like her but you do so I will support you even though it is killing me. The picture is cute though, I like your hair long. Here is a picture we took before our most recent mission, I like your hair longer. I love you too but don't worry over me I need to plan Toph and Sokka's wedding with Kat because Toph has no idea what to do. Kat and I are her bridesmaids of course and the necklace Sokka gave her she is wearing in the picture. I love them together but I hope you do figure out you confusion because I still love you.

Love, (YN)

You put the picture of You, Toph, Kat, and Sokka in the letter looking at all of your grinning faces. You looked at Zuko and Azula in the picture. Azula had a small smirk that seemed genuine and then there is Zuko with a full blown grin on his face. You chuckled as the ship started to move forward to the Fire Nation.

2 weeks later

You couldn't help but nervously twiddle you thumbs as we passed another ship. They commanded your ship stop and you stopped the boat. You watched them make a bridge between the ships. You bowed to Admiral Jow gritting your teeth as you did so.

"Hello Avatar." Jow smirked at you. You freaked out and shoved Zuko into the ocean between your boats burning up the bridge as the soldiers jumped over to your boat. You began to fight and Katara rocked the other ship making a huge rushing wall of water between the boats. You heard the guards shouting as the boat moved. You removed your helmet raising an eyebrow. Then you watched as a certain air bender rose above the deck. You almost cried. You ran over to him tears running down your cheeks as you tackled him. Aang let out a panicked scream.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" He screamed trying to pry you off. You refused to let go. "(YN)?" He asked you nodded resting your head on his fuzzy little head.

"Aang your okay!" You heard Katara scream.

"How long have I been out a day a week?" Aang asked.

"2 months." You answered.


This may come as a shocker but this is the end of book 2. I have come up with a name for book 3. It will be called, The Fall of Ozai. I came up with it three seconds ago. I can't wait for book 3 to be over as bad as it sounds but it will be the longest book of the three. The Legend of Korra series is going to be so much better than this one was I promise. I need a recount on the names though, do we want the reincarnated version of you to be name Juniper or Azzura? How do you feel about the reincarnated version of you being a combustion bender too? Was this book as bad as I think it was?! It might be a bit till book 3 is out though because I have to wait for the real computer to be up and running because I am updating off of a laptop...... Anyways comment vote, and 1 more question, who read book 1 and is still here?????


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