Stepping In

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As Aang fell and Katara rushed to catch the Avatar you felt an extreme wave of power hit you. You couldn't help but go into the avatar stat. Wind blew around the cave and you forced the crystals to block the only escape route. You made a huge tidal wave and made it wash over all the agents. With a clench of your fist it froze. Azula shot a lightning botl at you and you spun around and returned it as you flew into the sky on an air tornado. Azula rolled out of the way of the blow barely. You turned as Zuko sent a massive wave of flames at you. You diminished it with a wave of water. You dropped to the ground landing on your feet and walked over to Azula who layed on the ground breathing hard.

"You have no place in this city. In my city. Get out or I will make you." You yelled at her. Azula scrambled as the crystals shrunk back and let her through. You flew over to where the agents were frozen.

"Please Avatar! Don't kill us!" One pleaded.

"Oh I won't kill, I will only fire you for treason against me and the crown." You snapped and unfroze them. The agents all ran the way Azula did. You stepped onto the ground it rippled underneath you from the power you were radiating. You walked over to Zuko air whipping around you.

"(YN)..." Zuko trailed as you placed a hand on his cheek.

"I'm the Avatar now. You gonna hunt me down now? All for honor you have always had?! You can't have honor taken away from you Zuko! You ARE honor!" You voice rose to a scream wind circling rapidly and flames making a ring around you and Zuko. Water droplets were frozen mid air and boulders flew in the air.

"(YN) stop! Leave him alone! He is not wrth it. I know you have loved him all your life but we love you too! You can't do this or you will be as bad as Azula!" You heard Katara scream at you. The wind began to die down as did your energy. You collapsed on the ground in tears.

"I can't do it! I can't be the Avatar!" You obbed shaking violently.

"You won't have to be for very long. I healed Aang with my spiritwater from the North Pole. He will be okay, you will just have to be the Avatar for a bit while Aang sleeps and heals." Katara reasured you hugging you while you cried.

"What happened here?" Sokka asked suddenly walking into the most likely destroyed cavern.

"Azula shot Aang. He died for a few minutes-" Katara started to explain.

"Twinkle toes?! He can't be dead!" Toph yelled suddenly.

"I healed him calm down. But (YN) got all of his Avatar power. So till Aang wakes up, (YN) is the Avatar." Katara finished explaining.

"I have never seen her cry. She has always been tough responsible and brave but now she seems broken." Toph said worriedly walking over to you.

"She built herself back up, but she built herself out of broken glass, I think she is going to be broken for a while." Zuko burst in. You opened your eyes and saw him leaning over you.

"I'm sorry Zuko, I could have killed you." You apologized.

"Don't worry yourself on me, you have to step in and be Aang for a while. Plat it safe, I might be summoned back to the Fire Nation soon. But don't stay silent, stay quiet." Zuko kissed your forehead and left with Iroh.

"So I guess your stepping in for the Avatar." Katara whispered.

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