Tokka ;)

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"We need a plan." Sokka announced while you were all setting up camp.

"A plan for what?" Katara asked as she rebandaged Aang's wounds.  He still hadn't woken up and it's been 2 weeks since he 'kicked the bucket'.

"To take down the fire lord! Or at least injure him till Aang wakes up." Toph piped up while she brought in water since Kat was busy.

"What she said!" Sokka agreed, Toph and Sokka stood next to each other matching grins on their faces.

"I ship it." You told Katara she nodded while Toph and Sokka stood there in confusion.

"Ship? What does that mean?" Sokka asked his voice seemed panicky. You  and Katara laughed at their confusion.

"Well on that awkward note, we are going to need help, and lots of it." Toph broke the silence while making herself a seat out of the earth and sat down.

"I WILL CALL SUKI!" Sokka offered instantly, Toph frowned at her name.

"We will need more than just Suki." Katara said smirking at you at Toph's jealousy.

"Fine I will contact the Kioshi Warriors." Sokka restated with not as much enthusiasm.

"I can see if I can call Dad up and ask for his help." Katara suggested.

"Katara, Dad is in the middle of most likely hard battles against the fire nation. I'm not sure if he will even answer." Sokka frowned.

"Sokka I'm pretty sure Dad would be honored to help The Avatars as we have. Plus this is another battle against the fire nation, Dad will most likely be able to make it with his troops and all."  Katara countered.

"I will see what I do. I will maybe call up the Freedom Fighters for help." You sighed.

"I can call up Boulder, Hippo, and those other earth bender guys. I know they would love to help." Toph offered. Sokka frowned deeply at their names.

Sokka's p.o.v.

I looked at Toph's jade green eyes and watched her lips curl into a smirk.

"Toph can you and I go for a walk?" I asked her nervously blushing at Katara and (YN)'s giggles as they whispered to each other.

"Sure Ponytail." Toph agreed giving me a new nickname. Hurray -_-. As we walked around the forest we were setting up camp in.

"Toph, I'm sorry if what I said about asking Suki and the other warriors for help hurt you, but we need all the help we can get." I said flopping onto the ground underneath a huge oak tree. Toph flopped down next to me.

"It's okay. I'm sorry if asking for the other earth benders for help hurt you." Toph didn't sigh like I did. She just seemed guilty. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to me in a half hug.

"Don't be. We really do need all the help we can get." I told her. Toph looked at me well put her eyes on me you could say. I rested my forehead against hers.

"Don't worry about me, my feeble turtle-duck." Toph smirked and I closed the space between our lips.

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