Un-named bcause it could give away to much

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You sat on the stone walll after that whole disaster that had happened at dinner. Toph's parents want to know about your past but you wave them off each time they ask. It had started to rain to make maters worse. You knew you must look like a mess. But you had to find The Blue Spirit. To find Zuko. You unbraided your hair letting in go free for the first time in a while. You jumped over the stone wall into the street. You ran for te first time in a long time.You water bent the rain around you for the first time in a long time. You felt free again to bend all the elements you were capable of. You kept looking though. But when you found The Jasmine Dragon it was closed. Your heart sunk, Iroh was maybe in there. You banged on the door a ton of times till a very groggy Iroh opened the door.

"Iroh!" You exclaimed in happiness. The old man looked shocked. He looked angry too.

"Zuko is not here." Iroh snapped at you. You frowned at him.

"Iroh, I get you are mad at me for disapearing for a month but, I saw Zuko a few nights ago." You pleaded. Iroh grabbed your shouder and shook you angrilly.

"My nephew has been so lost and angry with himself after you disapeared. He was exactly the way he was when his mother left. I have been angry with myself for letting him go after you. He told me how he scarred you (YN). I am mad at him too though for not being able to see how beautiful you look right now. You look exactly like you mother." Iroh ranted at you before collapsing on you into a hug. You hugged him back. When the glass door to the shop opened with the ring of a bell.

"Uncle who is this?" A familiar voice asked. You turned and saw in horror Azula. Zuko's physco sister.

"Hi Azula." You said under your breath.

"I know about you. Little miss half Avatar." Azula smirked and you cringed at Iroh's little gasp of shock.

"And I know about you, bitch." You snapped back at her wiping the smile rght off of her face. You nomally didn't swear but Azula made you want to let Hell loose on Earth.

"Zuko can't save you this time so watch your mouth." Azula hissed you noticed lighting sparking at her fingertips.  She stepped towards you.

"I see you have learned new tricks Zula. But so have I." You smirked bending all the metal towards you into one long metal sword.

"Metal bending. Cool. But as you can see it's a full moon. Let's see some other tricks." Azula smiled evilly. You dropped the sword and with our hesitation. Made Azula smack herself in the face. You made Azula walked out til she was at the edge of town away from you and Iroh. After she left oyu collapsed oto the ground in exhaustion. Blood bending wasn't easy. You looked up and saw Zuko looking down on you in horror. He picked you up and you were so sleepy you couldn't even fight him off. He ran off with you to Toph's house. You were well enough to stand and caught Zuko's sleeve before he could take off. You hugged him tight.

"I missed you Zuko. I'm so sorry that I left you. I know how awful it must have been. I know I left at a bad time. After telling you I loved you and then vanihing. I am so sorry." You apologized crying into Zuko's chest. You felt his arms wrap around you and pull you closer to him. You cried even harder.

"I'm sorry I scarred you. I'm sorry for ever getting mad. I'm sorry for never telling you that, I love you too. " Zuko apologized. You looked up at him in shock. You stood on you tip toes and pressed you lips against his gently. But Zuko kissed you with such slow longing it made you want to cry even more. But you did break into sbs when you realized, Zuko had left you.

Wild Fires; Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now