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"Wait so we are going to be attacked?" Toph asked you for the millionth time. "I can't see anyone for miles." Toph looked really confused. Then it hit you.

"They won't be attacking on foot. They will come in from above." You realized in horror. Then someone crashed through the marble roof of the area of the temple you were in. The second they landed you began to snd blows of air at them moving in circles dodging their blasts of fire while staying light on your feet. Then you hardened your stance and sent large discs of rocks at them knocking some off of the temple with ease. Then one man came through the roof an evil grin on his face. You met Admiral Jow's eyes with anger. He launched himself at you slamming a wall of fire at you. You moved the flames back at Jow followed by a rock wall so if he deflects the fire he will get smacked in the face by a big rock wall. That of course is what happened. Jow leapt from his place behind the rock and got really close to you before launching another wave of fire at you. You couldn't deflect this wave so instead you jumped using airbending to boost you over. You heard Jow curse under his breath. You knocked him over with a blast of air. Then you pinned him to the ground with earth cuffs.

"Ozai isn't happy with you my dear, oh no. Azula told about how you almost killed her and the entire Dai Lee force with a wave of your hand. He wants you dead so bad he let Zuko back into the nation and restored his honor." Jow laughed after he gave his speech. You kicked him up to his feet with a collum of earth right into his back. You gripped the collar to his uniform.

"Tell Ozai I am coming for him. Him and Azula both."You hissed and Jow laughed really loud in your face.

"Why not Prince Zuko?" He chuckled.

"Because he deserves to have no family at all after what he did to me." You snapped in Jow's face before launching him into the river a ways away with  your air bending. Toph, Sokka, and Kat had already taken care of the other men.

"What did Jow say to you?" Sokka asked protectively. He has been such a big brother to you lately because of how much Zuko's betrayal hurt you. Sokka didn't want you to get hurt ever again.

"He laughed in my face about how Zuko got his honor back and Ozai wants me dead pretty bad." You shrugged, Sokka hugged you and of course you hugged him back looking over his shoulder at Aang who lay in Appa's saddle completely unaware.

"We won't let that happen. The world needs you, but so do we." Katara said hugging you.

"You guys are my world though." You sighed and then Toph joined in the hugged.

"HI." Toph said making you grin. Toph always knew what to do to make you laugh. Then someoe let out a huge fart that echoed off of the temple walls. The entire group seperated.

"Sokka!" Katara scolded.

"It was not me." Sokka put up his hands in defense.

"Maybe it was Katara!" Toph suggested loudly pointing a finger at Katara.

"I do not fart like that. Maybe it was (YN)." Katara objected and then the stench hit and you all almost threw up because it smelled so bad.

"That was Toph you guys." You coughed and Toph laughed and then coughed then laughed again.

"I wish Aang could smell something that beautiful." Toph grinned. You all laughed, maybe being the Avatar wouldn't be so bad with these guys around.


THE REBORN VERSION OF YOU IS JUNIPER!!!! I have changed up her main element to fire and her main half element will be combustion. I was rewatching LoK and saw the combustion bender in season 3 and gasped like... HALF AVATAR WILL BE A COMBUSTION BENDER!!!!!!!! So that will be happening after the next book of this series. I feel this coming to a quick end and then book 3 will be maybe a bit longer. I think this book will go on maybe to 20 or so parts so be prepared.


Wild Fires; Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now