Crystal Clear Part. 2

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You watched as Iroh hugged Zuko while Katara hugged Aang and you just stood there  waiting. You knew someone would should show up and go and stop you.

"Guys we need to leave. You weren't exactly quiet coming in here." You suggested. Everyone seperated quickly.

"But how do we get out?" Kat asked you. You started to walk around looking for the way out because there was no way you would be going out the way they came in. The group followed you swiftly.

"Where is Sokka and Toph?" You asked Aang looking at him.

"Uhm.... I don't exactly know." Aang trailed. You smacked a hand against your face and stopped walking. You had entered a giant center cave with water canals and a clearing with a throne at the front. You got into a fighting stance as Azula rose from her seat on the throne.

"Oh please, you couldn't defeat me if you tried." Azula scoffed, you breathed in and earth bent a large collum of rock at her and it hit her smack dab in the face. Katara let out a shocked giggle. Azula lay there for a few seconds and then she shot up from the throne and shot a bot of lighting at you, you rolled out of the way. Azula looked at you with such rage and hatered it shocked you. Azula pushed a wave of blue fire at you and you met it with a wave of water from the canals. Then an earthy hand reached out and gripped your left hand and brought it to the ground. You let out a shocked scream as you examined the scene around you. Katara and Aang back to back fighting off the Dai Lee, Iroh defending you from the Dai Lee agents that ran at you. Zuko just stood there looking conflicted. Then there was you. Laying on the ground trying to fight of Azula. There was flash of silver as Mai attempted to pin you to the ground with her knives. There was a crash as you crashed a giant boulder near the girls and you broke the hand that had your hand and backflipped away from them.

"You need t just give up! You are not the avatar, and will never be the avatar's potential. Just join us!" Azula screamed frustrated When you didn't answer Mai threw her dagger and it skimmed your head and cut you hair from it's bun. You (HC) locks fell down around your shoulders. You knocked her down with a whip of water. You checked around because it had got quiet. Zuko had his hands pointed at Aang. Kat had her water aimed at Zuko and Azula had aimed her fingers at Katara. You leapt into the air and landed on the ground with a large gust of wind that knocked all of them to the ground. Azula shot a bolt of blue at you and you barely dodged it. Soon you were in the middle of all out chaos. Azula was aiming for Kat and almost hit her and Zuko had fire swords in his hands and was aproaching Aang. You were losing. You breathed in focusing on the way lighting moved felt and was. You twisted and steadily placed a foot on the ground and shot the energy at Azula. Azula looked shocked as ever as the lightng burned past her head grazing the side. She spun around and looked crazy and angry. Aang had isolated himself into a ball of ice and earth. You screamed in frustration. Katara had given herself 8 water arms like an octopus and was taking out agents right and left. You kept fighting off Azula and sooting at Zuko very so often. He returnd your hits. But soon Aang's fortress began to light up, he shot out of the ball in the avatar state. Wind began to blow in the cavern. There was a loud crack and then Aang was falling and Azula stood there a smirk on her face.

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