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You blinked away blurry the blurry vision and looked at Zuko. He sat in a chair next to you tears making their way down his pale cheeks. You placed a hand on his face wiping the tears away with your thumb.

"I'm okay. I'm here." You whispered. Zuko's eye's shot open with suprise. You have never been so glad to see those amber eyes.

"I'm sorry. I have never hated myself more than I do now. I was so scared that I had lost you, for good this time." Zuko cried leaning his face into your hand. You sat up and removed your hand from his face. Something was off.

"Zuko, what are you not telling me?" You asked him your eyebrows knitting together in worry. He sighed and scootd his chair away from you.

"Is she awake? I swear if your hiding her from us I will crush you!" You heard a familiar voice yell up the stairs. Toph.

"Toph?" You croaked loudly. You heard a ton of footsteps make their way up the stairs. Toph, Katara, Aang, and Sokka burst through the door. You threw the blanket off you not caring that all you wore was one of Zuko's shirts. You wobbled over to them and collapsed into their arms. Katara began to cry.

"We are so sorry for leaving you on that night." Sokka sniffled. You let them all hug you.

"Where is Appa?" You asked brightly. Aang grinned and looked up at you.

"Out front! He's been missing you as much as we all have." Aang smiled. You grabbed your leggings and threw them on running outside bare foot and happy. Whenyougot outside there was Appa but in front of him was the Dai Lee. You groaned in frustration. They all smirked and attacked you. You drew up a large rock and used it to shelter your self from their blows. You went under ground listening for the shelter that made your escape to explode. When it did you listened for the footsteps. They all scattered that one guy in the ring must have told them your moves. You reinforced you hidden cave several times leaving a little hole so you could breath. You began to meditate hoping for someone to come and talk to you. Maybe a past half avatar. When you opened your eyes you were in field of lush green grass and red roses every where. You Began to explore the field till you saw someone. A woman wearing fire nation clothing. She turned and their stood Ursa. Zuko's Mom.

"What do you need child?" She asked kindly sitting down and patting the spot next to her. You sat down.

" I need help. I can't take down all of the Dai Lee! Aang, Kat, Toph, Sokka! They are counting on me!" You said desperately. You felt her wrap and arm around you.

"You grew up beautiful. You were so pretty when I knew you." Ursa spoke softly.

"Why am I talking to you?! You are still alive and Sozin was the last 1/2 avatar." You asked her.

"I am still alive, but we a connection stronger than the one you and Sozin share. Zuko." Ursa said a bit louder.

"Zuko is so handsome. He reminds me of you a lot. But I need help, I cannot just sit and protect myself. How can I do this?" You asked her straining your voice.

"You are an amazing bender (YN), a smart girl too. You need to listen and wait for them to make the mistake not you to make on and have to cove yourself and your friends 10 fold." Ursa said wisel. You hugged her tightly and woke from the spirit world.

Wild Fires; Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now