Backing Away

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You were the first customer in Iroh's tea shop. He served you like you were family even though it was really early. He didn't know it was you yet. You went up to the register to pay for your tea.

"I would suggest making sugar cinnamon biscuits to go with your tea, or maybe normal ones so customers have something solid to eat with such yummy tea." You suggested with a smirk on your perfect red lips as you set the money on the counter. As you turned away you realized you forgot your cloak at the table and you scar was out in the open, your arm and your back. You cringed as Zuko walked out stretching. You turned to face them so you could hide your scar.

"Hey Uncle, good morning miss." He greeted you. You almost melted into his morning voice. The door rang as someone opened it. You watched Zuko's eyes light up. You turned you head and saw Mai and Ty Lee. No Azula.

"Hello Zuko. Iroh" Mai greeted half heartedly.

"Mai! I didn't know you were in town!" Zuko exclaimed. Your heart sunk. It was breaking all over again. Ty Lee's gaze swept over you as Zuko hugged Mai.

"Hi (YN)." Ty Lee greeted happily as usual. You cringed and turned away from them to gab your cloak when you heard Ty Lee nearly scream.

"What?!" Mai shrieked back. Ty Lee pointed a shaky finger at your back.

"Yeah I have a scar. Calm down." You snapped at their open mouths except Zuko's mouth was a thin line. You met his amber eyes and saw they were filled with anger, anger at you. Anger of your own sparked inside you. You yanked you cloak over your shoulder.

"How did something that bad happen?" Mai asked curiously. You narrowed your eyes.

"It doesn't matter." You sighed grabbing your pack. Ty Lee was soon inches away from you.

"Tell us please!" Ty Lee begged you lifted yourself onto the table.

"I was out on the fire nation border. Guards found me pinned me to the ground and burned me as a reminder to stay away from them and their country." You lied. You saw Zuko's anger intensify.

"Stop lying." A new voice said after the door rang. Azula.

"Fine. Zuko scarred me while trying to kidnap me because he thought he was saving me from a happy life in the sky with Aang, Sokka, and Katara." You snapped. Mai gasped in shock as you shouldered your way out. You heard sparks behind you. You turned and saw Azula. Apparently you were still a big threat to the fire nation as the half avatar. You watched as she shot lighting at you. Iroh taught you one thing about lighting, it was cold and unfeeling. So that's what you became then as you had the lighting travel through you and you sent it back at Azula. The lighting striked through the ceiling. Everyone except you let out a scream as it sent shocks of electricity into the air.

"Who taught you that!" Zuko screamed. You smirked.

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer too, Zuko."

Wild Fires; Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now