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Author: hi<3


car·pe di·em
/ˌkärpā ˈˌem/

— used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.


"Come on, Y/N!"

Y/N groaned, "Lizzie, for the millionth time, I'm not going!" She said.

"But why?" Elizabeth asked.

"You know why!" Y/N answered and rolled her eyes.

"That's exactly why you should go!" Elizabeth said, and rolled her eyes too. "Come on, Y/N. I thought the date went good?"

"It did," Y/N said, sighing. "That's why I'm stopping it before it goes even deeper between us, okay? It's not gonna happen, Liz. Just let it go."

"I won't let it go," Elizabeth said, frowning, "She's really looking forward to this second date, Y/N. And you should stop being hard on yourself, let yourself be happy for once."

Y/N frowned, "I am happy."

"Really?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, of course." Y/N said, but she sounded like she's trying to convince herself and not her best friend. "Look, I have a good career, I have my own company, and I'm out here helping as many people as I can. What's there to be sad about?"

"That's not what I was talking about," Elizabeth said. "And I think you know that."

Y/N sighs, "I don't need someone to love me, okay? I have you, I have friends." She said.

"But none of us can give you that kind of love, Y/N." Elizabeth said, "Please, just let yourself be happy for once. Forget what your head tells you to do and just listen to your heart for once. You deserve to be happy."

Y/N didn't say anything and just sighed. She couldn't say anything because she knows her best friend is right.

Elizabeth sighed, "Please, Y/N. Just go and accept the second date, if you really don't want to continue seeing her after that, then tell her that you two aren't going to happen. She deserves to know that there's no hope between you two because she really likes you. I've never seen her gush about people like she does with you. And even though you're trying to mask it up, I know you like her too."

Y/N clenched her jaw and took a deep breath. "Fine."

"You promise? You won't just ghost her?" Elizabeth asked.

"I won't ghost her." Y/N answered, nodding her head, "I promise."

Elizabeth smiles, "I'm so happy to hear that."

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. "What would I do without my best friend, huh?"

"Probably... nothing." Elizabeth said, smiling widely.

"Right," Y/N laughed. "I'll give her a call later."

"Give her a call now." Elizabeth said, "While I'm still here."

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"I just wanna make sure." Elizabeth said, "Come on."

Y/N just chuckled, shaking her head. But she grabbed her phone and unlocked it, "Okay, I'll call her now."

"Go on." Elizabeth said, smiling.

Y/N dialed her number, showing it to her best friend. Elizabeth just smiled widely, giving her thumbs up.

Y/N chuckled and put her phone to her ear once the call was answered.

"Y/N?" The person answered and Y/N's heart jumped.

"Hey, Scarlett." Y/N greeted, clearing her throat.

"Hey," Scarlett spoke. "I'm so happy to hear from you." She said.

Y/N bit her lip, then she looked at her best friend. I can't do this, Liz! She mouthed.

Talk to her! You promised! Elizabeth mouthed back, threatening her best friend with a glare.

"Hello? Y/N?" Scarlett spoke when Y/N didn't say anything. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah, yeah," Y/N answered and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry about that. Um, yeah, I was busy with work so I couldn't call but I'm glad to know that you still want to talk to me." She said.

"Of course!" Scarlett said, "I'm still... hoping for that second date, though."

Y/N hummed, nodding her head. "Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We can do that, um, is tomorrow evening good?" She asked.

"It's perfect." Scarlett answered.

"Amazing," Y/N said. "I'll pick you up at seven."

"Sure," Scarlett said, "See you tomorrow, Y/N."

Y/N smiled, "See you tomorrow, Scarlett."

With that, Y/N ended the call.

Elizabeth cheered, kissing Y/N's cheek. "I'm so happy for you and Scarlett!"

Y/N sighed and looked at her excited friend. "Do you really think this is a good idea? For me? And for her? She's your friend too, you know?"

Elizabeth sighed, "I know, Y/N. That's why I'm doing this, you two deserve to be happy. You deserve to be happy."


Elizabeth interrupted her best friend, "No buts. Not now, okay? Just go on that second date and see for yourself. If you really don't want to continue, tell her. And I'm serious, Y/N. You will tell her. You won't treat her like the others, okay? You won't ghost her. She's my friend, and even though you're my best friend, I'll still kick your ass if you ghost Scarlett."

Y/N sighed, "I won't ghost her."

"You promise?" Elizabeth asked, raising an eyebrow.

Y/N nodded her head, "I promise."

Carpe Diem • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now