Eiffel Tower

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"I love this so much." Y/N said, holding Scarlett's hand in hers.

Scarlett smiles and kissed Y/N's hand. "Me too, my love." She said.

Y/N took a deep breath, closing her eyes and feeling the air hit her face gently. With a smile on her face, she opened her eyes and looked around, seeing the beauty of city lights.

They're currently standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower, as it was one of Y/N's wishes to do before her time comes: to view Paris from the top of Eiffel Tower.

Y/N has always been so busy with her work because she's been the one supporting herself ever since her parents died and her sister left her. She never really gets to do these things. It may be a simple thing because she's clearly got the money if she wants to travel, but because she's always buried with her work and making sure that all goes to plan, she never gets to see the world and do things that she wants.

And something inside her hates that, because now she doesn't even have time to appreciate the little things in life. She literally doesn't have time.

"Are you okay, my love?" Scarlett asked, sensing that her girlfriend was in her corner and overthinking. "Talk to me."

Y/N looked at Scarlett, "Sorry, just thinking."

"About what, baby?" Scarlett asked, she let go of Y/N's hand and wrapped an arm around her lover's waist.

"Just... my life, I guess." Y/N said, smiling a little. Then she took a deep breath before speaking. "How I love and am proud of what I've accomplished for myself, for helping people. But at the same time, I hate that I buried myself with work because I didn't get much time to appreciate what life has to offer outside work, you know?"

Scarlett nodded her head, "I understand."

"Yeah, it's just... I wish I had enjoyed my life more." Y/N said, then she looked at her recent tattoo and she smiled.

Carpe diem

Is what's inked on her wrist, and that reminded her to enjoy the present. And Scarlett gives her the strength to do just that.

Y/N looked at Scarlett, smiling. "But seize the day, right?"

Scarlett nodded her head, smiling. "That's right, carpe diem."

"Carpe diem," Y/N repeated, smiling. "I don't have much time, so I'm just gonna enjoy every second of my life with you. That's all I want to do."

Scarlett smiles and kissed Y/N's forehead, "And I'm here by your side, my love. For as long as you need me to." She said.

Y/N cup Scarlett's face, looking between her girlfriend's beautiful green eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." Scarlett said, smiling.

"No, I..." Y/N sighed, smiling a little. "I've always adored you, Scarlett. Ever since I was a kid. It was an innocent crush, but I know I fell for you the day I met you when Y/S/N brought you to our house. And I suppose that familiarity always lives in me because it didn't take long for me to actually fall in love with you. And I... I just—I love you so much, Scarlett."

"And I love you too, Y/N." Scarlett said, smiling. "You're not the only one that has adored someone in the past. I may not have recognized you right away because you were just a little girl when we moved, but I always adored you, and your sister knows that because I always told her how adorable you were and how much I adored you. I knew you were familiar when I first met you at Lizzie's birthday party. I just couldn't figure out where I'd seen you. But I'm so glad that we met again. I am so glad."

Y/N smiles, "I love you, Scar."

"I love you more, Y/N." Scarlett said, smiling.

Y/N just smiled and look back to the city lights and enjoying the moment.

The actress kept looking at her girlfriend, and this very moment is now tattooed in her head, and she'll always remember this. I love you so much. She thought, kissing Y/N's head.

Y/N hugged Scarlett's waist, enjoying how her body keeps her warm.

The couple didn't speak anymore; they just held each other while enjoying the moment.


Author: Love as if it's your last. If you like someone or you have a crush, tell them🤍 stay safe. Xo

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