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"You're gonna be okay." Y/N said, smiling at her sister.

Just as she promised, Y/N went to the hospital to be with her sister as they transferred her to a rehabilitation center. She doesn't want Y/S/N to feel alone with this recovery. She thinks it will only make her sister want to use it again.

"Thank you, Y/N." Y/S/N said, smiling a little. "For everything."

Y/S/N is having a hard time right now because her body is used to the feeling of alcohol and drugs, she's sweating even though it's not that hot. But she wants to be clean, so she's going to try and do her best to make this recovery possible.

"You're my sister, I'd do anything for you." Y/N said while wiping the sweat on her sister's forehead.

"But I left you when you needed me the most." Y/S/N said, shaking her head. "I was too deep in my addiction that I didn't think about you."

"I hated you because you left me," Y/N said, "But not anymore, okay? I just want to help you because I want my sister back. And hey, you're the one that took care of me when mom died and dad started drinking. Besides, I couldn't help dad. Now that I can help you, I will. "

"I'm so proud of you," Y/S/N said, "Look at what you've accomplished. You're amazing, and I'm so glad you turned out this way. Mom would be so proud of you."

"And mom would want you to get better, so do that, okay? I'm here to support you." Y/N said.

She still hasn't told her sister about her condition because she wants Y/S/N to focus on herself and get better.

"I'm proud of you for taking this step, Y/S/N." Y/N said, smiling. "This is just the beginning of your new journey, and I'm excited for you."

"I'm excited too," Y/S/N said, taking a deep breath, "I just wanna get better and start a new life, you know? And I'm gonna do it right this time. I know I've said this many times, but I'm being honest right now. I'll be better here and I'll make you proud."

Y/N smiles, "I'm already proud of you, Y/S/N."

"God," Y/S/N chuckled softly, shaking her head. "How did you grow up so fast, huh? I've missed every important thing in your life. I just don't want to miss anything again. From now on, I'll be there to watch you succeed more in life."

Y/N's heart clenched painfully, but she smiled. "Yeah? Good to know, Y/S/N." She said.

"So, tell me more about you. I wanna know what my baby sister has been doing." Y/S/N said, smiling.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "You do know that you're only two years older, right?"

"Still older than you." Y/S/N said, smirking.

"Yeah, whatever." Y/N said, chuckling and she rolled her eyes, "So, do you remember when we were kids and mom and dad would take us with them every Saturday to help homeless people, and we would give them food, water, and hygiene kits?"

Y/S/N smiled and nodded her head, "Yes, of course. I loved doing that with you guys and I remember feeling so happy whenever they would receive our little help and just seeing the smile on their faces."

"Yeah," Y/N said, smiling. "It stopped when mom died, but I continued it when I got money. I'm now helping as many homeless people as I can every single day. I built this charity, I named it after mom, and we have homes for them, food, everything. And we also provide free education for children who can't afford it. I remember mom really wanted to help children go to school, so I'm doing that now."

"That's amazing," Y/S/N said, "Wow. I'm so proud of you, Y/N!"

"I don't want mom's kindness to die, you know? The world needs it." Y/N said, "And she taught us to help people, so I'm doing just that. And I'm sure you'll do the same once you get back on your feet."

Y/S/N smiles, "I will. You're inspiring, and I'm just happy that you're my sister. I'm sorry that I wasn't a good sister to you." She said.

Y/N shook her head, "Stop apologizing. I forgive you, okay? Just promise me that you'll be better this time. Can you do that?"

Y/S/N nodded her head. "I can do that."

"Good." Y/N said, smiling. Because I might die and I don't wanna leave this world knowing that you'll end up losing your path again. She thought.

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