Not Possible

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"Here you go, my baby." Scarlett said, handing Y/N a cup of coffee.

Y/N smiles, thanking her girlfriend. "Thank you so much, my love."

"You're welcome, baby. Warm enough?" Scarlett asked, smiling at her girlfriend's cuteness. Y/N is wearing her jacket and it looks good on her.

"Yeah, thank you, babe." Y/N said. "And thank you for being gentle." She added, blushing.

After enjoying their time at the top of Eiffel Tower, the couple had their dinner near the tower and went back to their hotel room. And they decided to shower together, one thing led to another and then it happened. They made love, and they didn't rushed things. They took their time touching every parts of each other and kissing like it's their last. 


Scarlett smiles, "My pleasure, love."

"Mine, actually." Y/N said, giggling and blushing.

Scarlett laughed, "Our pleasure, then."

Y/N giggled and drink her coffee. She sighs, smiling. She looked at the Eiffel Tower, smiling at how beautiful it looks next to the moon.

They are outside their balcony, the actress made sure they have the best room because she's determined to make Y/N the happiest. She knows that her girlfriend would love to watch beautiful views, so she made sure that they'll have the perfect place to do that.

"I love the moon so much." Y/N said while looking at the moon, "It's the only thing that I get to see after a long day of work. It's like the moon is a friend of mine."

Scarlett just smiles, listening to her girlfriend.

"And after a long and tiring day, I would just take my time to look at the moon and I would admire how beautiful it shines despite being surrounded by darkness." Y/N said, "And it would remind me of my mom, it feels like I'm receiving a warm hug from my mom. That's how much the moon comforts me."

"That's really sweet." Scarlett said, smiling.

"Yeah," Y/N said, sighing. "What about you? Do you love the moon? Does it remind you of something or someone?" She asked, looking at her girlfriend.

"Well," Scarlett took a deep breath. "I'm just like you, buried in work and didn't really have the time to actually admire the world more but because of this adventure of ours, I just know that every beautiful things that this world has to offer would be a reminder of you."

Y/N's heart thumped, and she smiles. "I love you."

"Not as much as I love you." Scarlett said and smiles.

Y/N chuckled softly, "Not possible."

Scarlett just chuckled and moved closer to her girlfriend. "Come here."

Y/N stood up from her chair and sat on Scarlett's lap, sighing in happiness. She smiles when Scarlett hugged her waist, kissing her head.

"I love you, beautiful." Scarlett whispered, smiling. She fixed the blanket on their lap, sighing. "I love everything about you. I love how kind you are, how beautiful you are. I love how much you love the moon, I love how you love drinking coffee, I love how your mind works and I love how you get things done. I love your eyes, I love your lips—God, I fucking love your lips." She said, biting her bottom lip.

Y/N smiles, blushing.

"And I love your smile, and I love how you care about people. I just love every single thing about you." Scarlett added, smiling and hugging her girlfriend by the waist.

Y/N smiles widely, still blushing. She sipped on her coffee to calm herself down because this woman can make her heart beat so fast, to the point that she's afraid it will burst out of her chest. "I can't believe it."

"That I love you?" Scarlett asked, trying to look at her girlfriend's face.

"Not really because of that," Y/N said. "Just thinking about when we were kids and I was this shy little girl around you and just adoring you so much. I think I'm just really proud of myself because you're my girlfriend now."

Scarlett chuckled and kissed Y/N's shoulder. "You are so adorable."

"I'm also hot." Y/N said, giggling.

"Oh, damn right." Scarlett said, smirking. "You are the hottest woman I've ever seen."

Y/N blushed. "Have you look at yourself in the mirror?" She asked.

Scarlett chuckled, "You won't change my mind, baby. God, I fucking love your body." She said, and kissed Y/N's shoulder.

"Stop it, baby." Y/N whispered, blushing. "We just... finished making love." She said, but she can feel herself turned on.

"I'm not doing anything." Scarlett said, smirking.

Y/N just took a deep breath, shaking her head. But then, she felt Scarlett's kisses traveling on her shoulder, to her neck.

"Baby," Y/N whispered, her eyes closing.

"Sh," Scarlett smirks. "Just enjoy."

Carpe Diem • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now