Bucket List

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"Are you ready to do the first thing on your bucket list?" Scarlett asked.

After learning the news last night, Y/N spent hours crying in Scarlett's arms before she fell asleep and got woken up by Elizabeth, and they cried together. They didn't stop crying for hours that Scarlett had to come upstairs and calm them down since their eyes were puffy and red, and they could barely breathe.

Scarlett didn't mind one bit. She held her girlfriend and her friend, calming them down despite her own pain. She just wanted to be strong for Y/N and gave her the support that she needed.

The actress is more than heartbroken by this; she can't find words that can describe how she feels about Y/N's condition. But her girlfriend was right; there's nothing they can do and she also doesn't want Y/N to spend her last days at the hospital. So, she promised herself that she would cherish every second that she'd spend with Y/N. Every second.

Once Y/N and Elizabeth calmed down last night, the trio watched FRIENDS before Elizabeth went home since she's got a morning schedule. Once left alone, the couple tried their best to sleep, but they just couldn't. So, they just spent their night thinking of the things that Y/N wanted to do while she's still alive.

They made a bucket list. Some of it were simple, just the things that Y/N wants to do but cannot since she was too busy.

Y/N looked at her list:
- Telling Y/S/N about my situation
- Bungee jumping
- Watch the sunset
- View Paris from the top of Eiffel Tower
- Get a tattoo
- Go to a waterfall
- Skinny dipping at night

Y/N had to convince Scarlett to include those things in her list because her girlfriend was too worried about her health and some of her list consisted of extreme activities like bungee jumping and skinny dipping at night. But Y/N won.

Y/N looked back at Scarlett, "Yeah, I'm ready."

Scarlett nodded her head and she kissed Y/N's cheek, "Okay, good. Here she comes."

Y/N folded her list and put it in her purse, then she stood up to greet her sister.

"Hi, Y/S/N." Y/N whispered, hugging her sister.

"Hello, my baby sister." Y/S/N said, hugging Y/N back. She kissed her sister's cheek as they pulled away.

"You look really good," Y/N said, "Feeling good too?" She asked, smiling.

"Yeah," Y/S/N said, smiling. "I feel fine."

"That's good." Y/N said, sighing.

"I really missed you, talking on the phone is not enough." Y/S/N said.

"I know, sorry, I've been busy. But I brought someone with me." Y/N said, and nodded her head towards Scarlett.

Y/S/N looked and she gasped, "Oh my god, Scar!"

Scarlett smiled and opened her arms for Y/S/N. This will be the first time that she visits her old friend since she's too busy taking care of her girlfriend and her own schedule.

The two childhood friends shared a warm hug.

Y/N smiles, her heart melting.

"I missed you!" Y/S/N said, laughing. "And holy shit, you're dating my sister."

Scarlett pulled away and laughed. "I missed you too, Y/S/N. And yes, I can't believe I didn't recognized her, though."

"I'm surprised too, you really adored my sister." Y/S/N said, "I know she always had a c—"

Y/N interrupted her sister, "I'm here, you guys."

Scarlett and Y/S/N looked at Y/N.

"I know." Y/S/N said, smirking. "But I was just about to tell Scarlett that you—"

"That I'm also here." Y/N said, interrupting her sister again. "Just sit down."

Scarlett laugh and sat down, same with Y/S/N.

"It's so good to see you, Y/S/N." Scarlett said, smiling.

"Yeah," Y/S/N said, "But I never thought that I'll see you here. With me in it."

"Hey, it's okay. You're here to get better, that's what's important." Scarlett said.

Y/S/N nodded her head, "I know. So, you and my baby sister, huh?" She said, and raised an eyebrow and emphasized the word my.

Y/N chuckled, "Okay, before we go there. I have something to tell you." She said and took a deep breath.

"What's up? Everything okay?" Y/S/N asked, holding Y/N's hand. "And why the hell are you two wearing beanies over your hoodies?"

"Well," Y/N took a deep breath. Then she pulled down her hoodie and took off the beanie that she's wearing, Scarlett did the same and smiled a little.

Y/S/N laughed, "What the hell? Did you two got kidnapped by aliens and shaved your heads to make you look like them?"

If the situation isn't serious, Scarlett and Y/N would've laugh.

"No, but um, I... I have cancer, the same cancer that killed mom." Y/N said, her heart breaking. That's her reality, she's dying.

"W-What?" Y/S/N stuttered, "What stage?" She asked.

"Four." Y/N answered. "I've known for a year and a half, it was stage 3 by then. Chemo's not working and I just found out last night that it's stage four." She said, looking between Y/S/N's eyes and it breaks her heart because she can see sadness and pain in her sister's eyes.

"No, no, no," Y/S/N said, shaking her head. She pulled her sister in a tight hug. "D-Did the doctors tell you anything? Is it the same path as mom? Did they tell you how many years you have left?"

Y/N buried her face in her sister's shoulder, "Not years, or a year. I only have a month or two to live." She whispered.

Scarlett bit her lip, watching the sisters. She can't imagine their pain, especially now that they finally have each other again.

"I-I need to get out of here and be with you." Y/S/N said and pulled away from the hug so she can look at Y/N's face.

"No, Y/S/N. You can't, you need to be here if we want your full recovery." Y/N said, shaking her head. "I-I want to make sure that you'll be okay, Y/S/N. Stay here, please."

"B-But, Y/N," Y/S/N stutter, already crying. "We don't have mom or dad to take care of you. What about you, huh?"

"Scarlett will take care of me." Y/N said, wiping her sister's tears. "I need you here, okay? Can you promise me that you will do this even without me?"

"I-I promise, Y/N." Y/S/N said.

Y/N smiled, "Thank you."

"Promise me that you'll visit again." Y/S/N said, frowning. "I want to see you again, Y/N."

Y/N nodded her head, "I'll visit again, I promise."

Y/S/N smiled sadly, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there."

"Hey, we talked about that. It's in the past now and there's nothing we can do to bring back time, okay? Stop beating yourself because of it." Y/N said. "I'm just glad to know that you'll be okay."

"Come here." Y/S/N said and hugged her baby sister. "I love you so much, Y/N."

Y/N licked her lips as she feels herself about to cry, "I know, I love you too."

Y/S/N took a deep breath, and kissed Y/N's head three times. "I love you."

Y/N just hugged her sister tighter. Her heart's aching painfully.

Carpe Diem • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now