The Date

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Y/N took a deep breath while clenching her jaw, trying her best to calm her heart down. She did everything she could earlier to distract herself for this evening, but she still ended up being a nervous wreck.

She's currently standing in front of Scarlett's front door, but she can't bring herself to ring the doorbell.

"Come on, bitch." She whispered to herself. "You're a bad bitch, just ring the doorbell for fuck's sake."

With another deep breath, she nodded her head and finally rang the doorbell.

Seconds later, the door opened and revealed Scarlett. And Y/N's breath hitched, she gulped and admire the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Hey, Y/N." Scarlett spoke, smiling.

Y/N cleared her throat, and she smiled. "Hey, Scarlett."

"You look amazing." Scarlett said, looking at Y/N up and down, appreciating Y/N's beauty.

"I'm nothing compared to you," Y/N said, "You're so stunning." She said, smiling.

"Thanks." Scarlett said, blushing.

Y/N smiled, "Oh, this is for you."

The actress smiles, taking the bouquet of flowers from Y/N. "Thank you so much, Y/N. They're beautiful."

Y/N just smiled and nodded her head.

"Come in," Scarlett said, "I'll just put this in a vase, then we can go." She added, opening the door wider for Y/N.

"Yeah, sure." Y/N said, smiling. She walked inside the house and quietly closed the door behind her. She looked around while Scarlett walked towards the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. "You have a lovely home." She said

"Oh, thanks! But I rarely come home here since I'm always busy." Scarlett said from the kitchen.

Y/N just hummed.

A minute later, Scarlett came back. "Let's go?"

Y/N smiles, "Let's go."



"And then Lizzie got really, really excited, and she was like, I know someone! I can totally hook you two up!" Scarlett said, and chuckled. "And I said, okay, sure. I was surprised when a woman showed up because Lizzie didn't really give me any details about you. As soon as I said yes to the blind date, she just vanished."

Y/N chuckled, "Sounds like Lizzie."

"Tell me about it." Scarlett said, laughing, and agreeing with Y/N.

"You didn't tell me you were surprised to see a woman that night, and you didn't really look so surprised either." Y/N said, with an eyebrow raised. "Were you disappointed?" She asked.

"Disappointed? Not at all." Scarlett said, smiling, "I mean, just look at you. You're stunning."

Y/N chuckled, "Thank you."

"It's true," Scarlett said. "And yes, I was surprised. But it's a good kind of surprise. I was actually glad it was you that Lizzie set me up with. I've met you two or three times, I think. But we never really talked. I always wanted to be your friend, though."

"That's really sweet, Scarlett," Y/N said, smiling. "And forgive me for not approaching you or anything; I don't really engage myself with other people. Just... my nature." She said.

"It's okay, I totally understand," Scarlett said, smiling. "Besides, having this date with you is better than being just friends. I know our date isn't over yet, but I would really like to keep dating you. You know, until we... you know." She said with a shy smile. She's never been this straightforward, especially not on a second date. But she really likes Y/N. She likes her a lot.

Y/N sighed. She felt so bad for what she was about to say. "Scarlett... I'm really sorry. But I think this will be our last date. This is fun. You're a lovely woman, and you're so beautiful. But I can't keep dating you, and I just thought that you deserve to know because I don't want you to keep thinking about me—thinking if I will call you or text you."

Scarlett couldn't find the words to say. She just frowned. She could feel her heart breaking because of Y/N's words. She got ready for this date thinking that Y/N would be a part of her life from now on. What's happening now didn't even cross her mind.

"I can't be with someone, Scarlett," Y/N said, looking between the actress' eyes. "I can't be in a serious relationship. I'm so sorry, but I can't commit like this. You deserve someone better, and I am just not that someone. I'm genuinely sorry, Scarlett." She said, and she fished out money from her wallet and put it all on the table. "I have to go. I'm sorry."

Scarlett can only watch as Y/N walk away from her.

Y/N took a deep and shaky breath. She didn't look back, she just kept walking with a heavy heart and with the hope that the actress would forget about her because that's what she's going to do. Forget about this evening, forget about her, and forget about everything else—including her own happiness.


Author: dramaaa😌 Have a great day/night!🖤

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