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Y/N dropped her pen, yawning. She cracked her knuckles while leaning back against her chair, and closing her eyes to rest them for a bit.

After taking her sister to the hospital and making sure that Y/S/N is well taken care of, Y/N went back to her building to start with her loads of work. And the hospital called her earlier and told her that they have found the best rehabilitation center for Y/S/N and they will transfer her there tomorrow. That's also why she's working late tonight, she wants to be with Y/S/N tomorrow.

It's just her and her sister now. Their mother died because of cancer when she was just ten years old and her sister was twelve years old and not even three months since their mother died, their father started drinking and taking drugs. And when Y/N was seventeen and her sister was nineteen, their dad died because of overdose.

Y/N and her sister started working to support themselves. Her sister stopped going to school, but Y/N continued with hers while taking up a part-time job to help with her studies. It wasn't long after until her sister started drinking, and Y/N had no choice but to take care of herself and, at the same time, look after her sister. But her sister met a guy when she turned twenty-two and left Y/N all alone.

Confused and struggling with everything, Y/N still supported and took care of herself. She was lucky that she got a scholarship for college, and that was the push that she needed to really change her life for the better.

After years of studying and working, Y/N finally started to achieve her dreams. Little by little, all her dreams were turning into reality.

And because of her hard work and belief in herself, Y/N became successful and was even recognized by many for her hard work, her life story, and all her achievements.

And when that happened, Y/S/N reached out to her. At first, her sister asked her for money, and she said that it was for a business idea. And many more excuses came after that, and Y/N hated her sister for leaving her alone, so she just gave her sister money so she'd leave her alone again. But then, it became constant and Y/N refused to give her money and just offered real help. Obviously, her sister didn't want it. She was addicted to alcohol, and maybe even drugs.

But she's really glad that her sister finally agreed to seek professional help and care. She doesn't even hate her sister anymore. As much as she wants to hate her, she can't. They lost their parents in such tragedies. She just really wants to help her sister get better.

Y/N was brought back to reality when she heard some knock before the door opened, and Noah, her assistant came in.

"Ms. L/N, someone's here for you." Noah said.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "It's late, who is it?"

"It's Ms. Scarlett Johansson, ma'am." Noah said.

"Oh," Y/N frowned.

"Should I let her in?" Noah asked.

Y/N looked at Noah, "Yes. And you can go home, Noah. Thank you for your hard work today." She said and smiled.

Noah smiles, "Have a good evening, ma'am."

"You too." Y/N said, and watched as Noah walked out, closing the door.

Seconds later, the door opened again and Scarlett walked in.

"Hey, Y/N." Scarlett said, smiling a little.

"Hey, Scarlett." Y/N said, she stood up from her chair and walk around her desk. "What's up? Do you need something?" She asked.

"Explanation." Scarlett said, walking closer to Y/N.

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