I Love Her

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"Can I talk to Scarlett for a minute?" Y/S/N asked, smiling at her sister.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "Are you gonna give her the talk?" She asked, making sure that she emphasized the word the. "Please don't, Y/S/N."

After crying together, the three women spent their time just talking and reminiscing about the things that happened when they were just kids. And Y/N didn't want to think about her sickness or the fact that she was dying, so they didn't talk about that much.

"Yeah, what's the matter? I'm your big sister, it's part of my rights." Y/S/N said, raising an eyebrow too. "Just go."

Scarlett just chuckled.

"Fine, I need to call Lizzie anyway." Y/N said and she grabbed her purse. Then she cupped Scarlett's chin and tilted her head, giving her a kiss.

"Oh, come on." Y/S/N said, rolling her eyes. "That's my baby sister!"

Y/N pulled away, smiling. "I'll be right back, baby." She whispered to Scarlett.

"And be fast because your sister might kill me." Scarlett said, giggling.

"Oh, I will." Y/S/N said, glaring at the two women.

Y/N chuckled and looked at her sister, "Don't, I love her."

Scarlett froze.

Y/N's eyes widened.

Y/S/N smirked.

They haven't said I love you yet.

"I-I mean," Y/N stutter, "I-I'm gonna call Lizzie, I've gotta gay—go! Go, I've gotta go."

Y/N practically ran away, she fished out her phone and immediately called her best friend.

Y/S/N laughed, shaking her head. Mhm, that's my baby sister. So gaaayy. She thought, then looked at Scarlett.

"So," Y/S/N spoke, "My baby sister just said that she loves you."

Scarlett blinked and looked at Y/S/N. "I-I... I heard."

"Are you gonna run away from her?" Y/S/N asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because I will get out of here and hunt you down, Johansson."

Scarlett chuckled softly and shook her head. "No, I love her too."

"Hm," Y/S/N hummed, tilting her head a bit. "You sure? You mean that?"

Scarlett smiles and nodded her head. "Yes. I love Y/N." She said without hesitation.

"Good." Y/S/N said, smiling. "I just want to tell you to take care of her, yeah? Be there for her. You know how much she adored you when she was just a little girl, right?"

Scarlett nodded her head, smiling.

"And now she's in love with you." Y/S/N said, "I know you're not gonna waste her love, but I still need to be sure, she... she doesn't have much time. You have to promise me that you won't leave her side until then. Please, promise me, Scarlett." She said, getting emotional. "I-I was stupid for ever leaving my sister behind, and God knows what I can give just to bring back time. But that's not possible. So, I'm gonna stay here and I'll make sure that I will get better for Y/N and for myself. Just promise me that she won't be alone."

Scarlett held her friend's hand and squeezed it, "I promise, Y/S/N. I'm not gonna leave her, I'll be there for her every step of the way. You can count on me. She won't be alone."

Y/S/N took a deep breath and nodded her head. "Thank you. That's all I want. Thank you, Scar."

Scarlett smiles softly and just nodded her head.


"Oh my god, Lizzie!" Y/N said as soon as Elizabeth answered her call.

"Whoa, what happened?! Are you okay? Where are you?!" Elizabeth asked, panicking.

"I'm okay! Don't worry!" Y/N said.

"Well, don't start with oh my god, Lizzie! Because I'll worry and panic! You know I wouldn't leave your side if I'm not working right now!" Elizabeth said.

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry, Lizzie. I just... I accidentally told Scarlett that I love her." She said.

"Oh my god, Y/N!" Elizabeth said, squealing.

"I told you! This is an oh my god situation!" Y/N said. "What should I do?"

"I'm so happy for you, Y/N." Elizabeth said. "This is what I've always wanted for you."

Y/N smiles, "Thank you, Lizzie. Really."

"Of course, Y/N." Elizabeth said. "And hey, don't be scared about the you love her thing, okay? She'll say it back. I know she will."

"You sure?" Y/N asked.

"I'm positive." Elizabeth answered. "And dude, she fucking shaved her head for you! That woman is crazy about you."

Y/N sighs, "Okay, you're right. I believe you. But wait, you wouldn't believe what I fucking said before I left." She said, already laughing at herself.

"What now?" Elizabeth asked, chuckling.

"I said Santana's line from Glee when she said: I've gotta gay—go! Go, I've gotta go." Y/N said, laughing.

Elizabeth laugh loudly, "You didn't!"

"I wished I didn't!" Y/N said, laughing. "I'm so stupid, oh my god."

"Holy shit, that's fucking funny!" Elizabeth said, laughing. "That sounds like something you would say, though. I can totally imagine that."

Y/N sighs, chuckling. "Dude, I'm so embarrassed."

"It's fine! You're fine, now go and spend some time with her." Elizabeth said. "I'm so happy for you."

Y/N smiles, "Okay, thank you, Liz. I'll talk to you soon, love you."

"Love you, Y/N. Call me, okay?" Elizabeth said.

"Of course, I'll see you soon." Y/N said, smiling a little.

"You better." Elizabeth said and sighed. "Okay, I gotta go. Talk to you soon, love you!"

"Love you too, bye." Y/N said before ending the call.

Y/N took a deep breath. "Let's do this."

With that, she put on a brave face and walked back inside.

Whatever happens, at least I get to tell her that I love her. Y/N thought, but still hopeful that Scarlett will say it back.


Author: have a great day/night, stay safe. Xo

Carpe Diem • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now