Saturday Night At The Pearl, Episode 3C

44 13 32

James' Journal, August312022e.mp3

"Let love in", Big Fox

Later that night, I saw Ethan getting out of Elise's office. He seemed very angry.

"Everything's fine here?" I said.

"Sure," he replied, hurtling down the stairs. "I cannot have a proper funeral for my mother because a fucking vampire and the asshole that caused her death don't want to believe she's gone." I stayed quiet. "She deserved better than them," he said.

"We'll have a ceremony. I'll talk to them."

He stopped and looked at me. "Thank you." He brushed his hair aside and closed his eyes for a second. "I'm sorry. No disrespect. It's just I don't know what to do. I understand how they feel, but they are in denial, and I... I know my mother. I know what she would have wanted."

"They just need a little more time."

I put my hand on his shoulder, and he nodded with an expression of extreme lassitude. He walked away, and, a few minutes later, he left the Pearl.

In the office, there was still Amaury. The immortal was pacing the room, talking to himself. "She found solutions to an impossible problem. She sacrificed herself for me. I have to find something to bring her back."

He did not see me enter the room, and when I talked, he jumped. "Love, it's done," I said. "She's gone. There's nothing we can do. Everybody told us that."

"They're wrong. I don't believe it." His tone was more pleading than angry. "It's her. She's special. You don't understand. She can't just be gone. I won't allow it."

"Amaury, you should go home. Have some rest. We'll talk about it later, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll go home. I'll talk to Ikshan again."

He couldn't listen to me, so I let him go. Back in the main room, I bumped into Ahmed. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, love. It's just... they're all messed up. I'm supposed to be the messed up one. I can't take care of all of them. I'm not the right guy for this job."

"I think you've been doing pretty well for now."

"You're nice."

He looked at me, and he seemed to hesitate. Finally, he said: "I'm here for you, you know? If you need anything."

And he hugged me. I was surprised at first, but then I hugged him back.

"How would you feel about dancing with me?" I asked.

He smiled, took my hand, and led me to the middle of the dancefloor. I don't remember the song, but I know I looked around for a minute, hypnotized by the flashing lights of the club and then I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

 I don't remember the song, but I know I looked around for a minute, hypnotized by the flashing lights of the club and then I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes

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