Episode 8

43 13 18

"Pure Morning", Placebo

James' journal August312022j.mp3

Nine months ago, I dreamed of Elise. It was a strange dream. A dream in black and white. Mostly black. With no sound but a density of the air which gave the impression that I was immersed in a chaotic din I couldn't hear.

I saw her, a blurred figure of her. She talked to me but I couldn't understand what she said. Her lips were moving, but the sounds were not synchronized and they made no sense.

I didn't think anything of this dream at first. You know, these things happen. But then I dreamed the same dream. Again and again.

So I told Amaury. He looked stunned. "What dream? What did you see?"

It turned out he had dreamed the exact same dream.

We talked to Aidan. Same thing.

After that, there was an emergency meeting with the whole gang. And one thing led to another. We figured out she may still be bound to this world and to her body. Being trapped in the Void is not the same as dying. Not exactly. But nobody came back to tell the story.

Even the most knowledgeable guys in the mystic field we talked to could comprehend the concept but had no idea how it had happened. It was uncharted territory.

A shaman we saw told us that there was some kind of residual aura in Elise's body. "As when someone is astral projecting," he said. He said that it should not be. He said that she had to have a lot of power for this to be the case. Well, duh, who did he think he was talking about?

According to him, it meant that she could return to her body. Theoretically. But the problem was we didn't know where she was and how to contact her. She was lost in an infinite place in another plane of existence, or something like that. And the Void cannot be anything but overwhelming on the soul. If she was still there, she couldn't find her way back on her own.

Still, we were on the warpath. We knew now there was a chance, and we were prepared to do anything in our power to save her and bring her back.

It took months of gathering the informations we needed. We...

*Sound of a door opening*

*Amaury's voice: "She's awake. Aidan called. He asks us to come."*


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