Episode 10

43 12 34

"Hello Earth", Kate Bush

I took some rest on this day, and in the evening, I prepared for the night.

While Aidan was styling my hair, James insisted on choosing my outfit. He decided on a perfect black formal suit.

I looked in the mirror and I almost recognized the woman I was before, emerging from a fog. Step by step, I reconciled my mind with my body.

Amaury drove us to the club in an elegant car that seemed brand new. People were walking on the river banks and the lights of the city underlined the beauty of every bridge. I smiled.

I entered The Pearl with my three men: Aidan at my arm, and James and Amaury behind us, watching me as if I were to break at any second.

My club was not that different from when I had left. The bar had been redone with some decorations here and there, but the spirit was the same. The special quality of the air.

I breathed the music, the movements of the crowd, and the sparkling lights of the dancefloor. It awoke every cell in my being.

Anna was behind the bar. She saw me and froze. I walked towards her and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder and I held her tight.

"I know you don't talk yet. But I can do all the talking, you know me," she said. "I'm so happy you're here, Boss."

Tears rolled down my face, and I smiled.

"Just enjoy your night. If you need anything, let me know," she added.

I sat at my booth, my eyes closed. James was right. I felt I was really back.

And when the young DJ finished her set, I took a deep breath and showed up on stage. I could feel Aidan, James, Amaury, and Anna's eyes on me.

I sat at the piano and touched the keys to remind me of this feeling.

And I sang. A Kate Bush song.

The notes filled me with strength in a crescendo of feelings, and the piano helped me as a faithful companion.

When the audience applauded, I turned my head and saw the emotion on the faces of my friends and family.

I joined them.

"We're so glad you're back," Amaury said.

"I love you all," I said. And they were my first words.

We all hugged.

Anna brought us some champagne, and I tried to enjoy the party. But I had something else to say. Or to ask more exactly. So I took Aidan apart.

"Yes, my love? Can I help you with something?" He said.

I looked at him and, once again, I breathed deeply.

"Where is my son buried?"

"Where is my son buried?"

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