Bonus Episode (1,5K views celebration)

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Thank you so much for the reads, the comments, and the support! I thought you might like to have James' point of view on what was told during episode 23.

James' journal

I'm engaged. Yeah, saying it doesn't make it more believable. I mean, what the fuck?

I. Am. Engaged. Me. And not just engaged. Engaged to the most incredible man I've ever met. Brave, funny, full of surprises - clearly! -, hot - I mean H.O.T.: hot -, intelligent - well, at least that's what I thought until now, but... Proposing to me?

Oh yeah, because he's the one who proposed. I mean... Can you believe it? I was not drunk. I perfectly remember what happened. He was not either if it's what you're thinking about. Hell, he can't, on the count of being this awesome old immortal.

So it did happen.

I didn't see it coming at all. We never talked about that. I mean, I knew Am was husband material. For sure. But me?

I was going to ask him something - I totally forgot what now - and I entered the living room. He was reading on the sofa. He looked at me, he put his book on the table, and he said: "Would you marry me?" Just like that.

You know me, it takes a lot for me to shut up, but in this moment I was at a lack of words. I fuckin' froze. I could see in his eyes that he was dead serious. Am can be very funny but most of the time, he's a pretty intense guy, you know? And he was definitely serious right then.

I kept on looking at him. Can't imagine the expression on my face. It must have been ridiculous. But it didn't bother him. He had this tender look in his eyes, that always makes me melt. And he was a bit anxious. I think his hands shook a little. That or I was so out of it that I just started to see things in a blur. Who knows?

But then he stood up, came to me, got down on one knee in front of me, and said: "James, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you be my husband?"

I was out of it but I remember every word. And I know I just said: "Yes."

And again, I can't tell what my face did but I know that his lit up, like a kid's face in front of a Christmas tree, or Elise's when you bring her a pumpkin spice latte. I am Am's freakin' pumpkin spice latte. Bloody hell.

And then I can't remember if I knelt down or if he stood up, but the one thing I'm sure of is that we kissed and that there was a lot of tongue involved. Like, I devoured his face. And his hands were all over me. And Am, you know, he has these equally soft and strong hands and he's very good with them. Very.

And soon enough I had half a t-shirt and maybe one sock left on me. Am had nothing, because obviously, I could not have tolerated anything more. And we were on the sofa - I think, because it was a long day, a long night, and then... another long day, and we have been pretty much everywhere at one point or another.

Am's body was lying beneath me, warm and reactive to my every touch. And, hell, I touched him. Everywhere I could. And I kissed him. Everywhere I could. I couldn't have enough of him. And he was making these incredible sounds. So I knew I was on the right path. But that was expected. I know what I'm doing.

And, well, I told you about his hands. He knows what he's doing too. And not just with his hands. Yep. He knows... And I think I'm going to stop there because memories are good, but the present is better. So I'm going to try to find him immediately. I think there is this 10 centimeter square space we haven't had sex in. We have to do something about that. Right now. See you!

 See you!

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