Episode 26

37 12 20

"The Most Beautiful Boy (Felsmann + Tiley Reinterpretation)", The Irrepressibles

Aidan was reading in the bedroom and I was cooking in the kitchen when I felt a faint presence at the entrance of my apartment. As I did not hear anyone knocking, I frowned and opened the front door to check on who it was. I choked when I saw James lying on the floor.

He had blood and bruises everywhere and his limbs were twisted as if all his bones had been broken. He was livid, his breathing erratic and his eyes almost transparent.

I crouched toward him and called Aidan in a scream.

I stroked James' hair. "Sweetheart, it is me, Elise. You are safe with us now. It is over. You are safe now." I tried to comfort him but my voice was strained.

Aidan was there in an instant. "Oh god. James." My vampire carefully put his arms under his best friend's neck and legs and carried him slowly to the bed in the guest bedroom. Every movement caused a low groaning of pain from James. "I know it hurts. But I'm here. I'm going to take care of you."

Then he turned to me, with a helpless look: "We have to put his bones back in place for him to heal. Fuck... it's going to be so painful."

"My love, I can keep his mind away, so that he would not feel most of the pain."

He nodded as if in a trance. I laid my hand on his forearm to reassure him and then I sat on the bed, my back against the wall as I pulled James' head on my lap delicately. I put my hands on his head and closed my eyes.

"Stay with me, sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay." I brought him mentally in the same room we were in, but with a warm ray of sunlight coming from the window. He laid in my arms peacefully, as all the wounds and the bruises had gone away. I sang to him and his breathing grew stronger and calmer.

But I could hear the sounds of what was really happening and feel the tremors of his body. I could also hear Aidan panting. After what seemed like an eternity, it stopped and I opened my eyes. It was done.

I pulled gently away from James, stroking his hair a last time and covering him with a blanket for him to rest while he was healing.

"I'll call Amaury," I said softly to Aidan whose eyes were blank.

After the call to Amaury, I checked on James and joined Aidan in the kitchen. He had taken out some bottles of blood for his best friend. There was a golden ring on the kitchen counter near the bottles. When I entered the room, Aidan turned toward me with a dark expression on his face and his fangs showing. He started to suddenly destroy the kitchen in rage.

"My love, calm down," I said with a soft voice.

He turned his back to me, ducked his head and put his fists on the kitchen counter, shaking.

I came closer, leaned on his back and wrapped my arms around his waist. He spun suddenly in my arms, clung to me and crumbled on my shoulder.

"He's in so much pain. And it's all my fault, El. It's Stanislas. He went for him to get at me. This fucking bastard left his ring on James' finger. I can't stand his pain. It's all my fault."

I hugged him tightly. "My love, it is not your fault. We all knew that there was a danger. If anything, it is my responsibility. Had I not been such a mess, I could have acted against Stanislas earlier."

I felt Aidan shaking his head against my shoulder. "It's not on you."

"We are going to take care of Stanislas, I promise. I am strong enough now. I know it."

Aidan pulled away from me and nodded. He tried to regain some composure. "We'll put an end to it," he said.

 "We'll put an end to it," he said

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