Intro: Y/n L/n

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First day of school, I feel energetic, excited, and most of all kinda nervous. I heard there's two new students entering our class today. Why do I feel like this won't end well?  Y/n whispered to herself while walking to school.

Hi! I'm Y/n Y/l/n, I'm a high school student. I graduated with highest honor last year, and all my classmates are asking me to tutor them. I would love to but if I did, I'll be taking my teachers place haha. Anyway, I'm an 18 year old student, not really interested with love but one day, everything changed because of the two new students. Will I be able to live my life without changing what I believe in or will these two boys ruin my life forever?...

"There's a lot of students in the hallway, as usual, just like last year."  You thought to yourself as you walk past the students towards your locker.

You were about to close your locker when suddenly, your best friend hugged you from behind.

"Jeez, you scared me! Don't ever do that again, I swear to god." You scolded her as you almost bumped your head on the door of your locker.

"Do you know about the new students coming in today?! I heard they were really hot."  She said squealing with excitement while you just rolled your eyes and walked straight to your class.

"Y/n you really got to be honest with yourself." F/n said as she step in front of you looking at you straight in the eyes but you just looked at her confused not knowing what to say.

"I know you're into one of the boys here in school, you're just not telling me because you're too embarrassed to admit it. Right?!" F/n exclaimed not breaking eye contact.

"No, I'm not interested, okay? Just believe me, would ya?" You assured her, patting her shoulder and continued to walk.

"Maybe we'll see when the new guys come, you'll probably be like " Oh please marry me, now. I'm begging you" F/n said while walking beside you.

You scoffed before opening the door to your class. Your attention automatically went to the students crowded on the sit at the back. Confused and curious of what's going on, you walked towards them and was shocked to see two new faces smiling at the other students.

"Pfft, these are the new students?" You asked looking at your best friend.

"Yes!" Your best friend screamed as she joined the crowd.

"My dad looks better than them! Come on, F/n how could you even like those two?" You asked your best friend who seem to not hear you.

You just sighed and sat down waiting for the teacher to arrive, taking the book from your bag and started to read.

After about 10 to 15 minutes, the teacher arrived and all the students sat down. The 2 new students were called in front to introduce themselves.

"Ran Haitani, Nice to meet you!" A guy with braided, long, blonde and black haired guy said before going back to his seat.

"Mitsuya Takashi, Nice to meet you!" The other one with a purplish hair, looks like Lilac colored hair said before walking back to his seat.

The teacher then announced that today we will be choosing our class officers. Of course every class needs them to keep everyone in peace and quiet whenever the teacher is not around.

"The voting for class officers will begin later after your break, for now we will talk about the rules and regulations of this school, most of you knows this but consider we have 2 new students, we will have to discuss it once again" The teacher spoke holding a paper and fixing her glasses.

The discussion lasted for almost an hour, not surprisingly. The new students had a lot of questions to ask but it's normal since they're new. After an hour of discussion, it's finally break time so I walked out of the class and left my best friend who wouldn't listen to me. While walking towards the cafeteria I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder which made me flinch.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" Mitsuya, one of the new students asked seeing you flinch.

"Yeah, I'm fine but you just made me ask myself, why do I get scared of people just wanting to talk to me cause this has happened a lot of time with my best friend, some of the students, and sometimes with teachers. Anyway, can I help you with something?"  You asked, turning to him.

"Well... "  he looked around and scratches the back of his head before continuing.

"Well, I'm new in this school so I just wanted to ask... Could you show me around? I don't want to get lost and get late for class just for that reason."

"Oh, sure! I'd love to, just follow me and try not to get lost." You replied with a smile on your face.

"By the way, where's your friend?" You asked, guiding him around the campus.

"Who?" He asked, obviously confused about what you asked.

"Your friend, Ran Haitani? I'm pretty sure that's his name." You replied before stopping in front of a door.

"He's... Not my friend... Actually, he's my biggest enemy." Your eyes widen hearing his reply.

"Oh... Sorry I didn't know."

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