Chapter 18: Lovers Forever

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"Why dont you find yourself a girlfriend rather than just standing there getting jealous at us?" Ran said to his younger brother who just walked straight to his room.

"I just remembered, didn't you say that Rin is going to be transferred to our class soon? When is it going to be?" You asked as you rememberes that Ran once told you about his younger brother.

"Tomorrow is the day he'll be transferred, same class as us too!" He replied excitedly.

"I can't wait to have him at our class." You said.

Ran lifted up his arm giving out a sign that he was about to tickle you once again so you ran up to your room and tried to close the door at him but yet he was too fast to outrun. He got inside your room even before you could close the door and he continued to tickle you until you flop on the bed and without realizing it, Ran was already on top of you. It took a while until you both realize the position you're in and quickly sat up to the side of the bed.

"S-sorry, I didn't realize." Ran apologized.

"It's fine, no worries. I didn't realize either." You replied.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go cook something to eat..." Ran said which left you completely confused.

"I thought we're going on a date? Aren't we going to get dinner too?" You asked Ran and he froze.

"Right... I forgot about that date. Well then I'll go get ready." Ran said and left your room.

"I'll get ready as well then. Wait... Ran we have homeworks to do!!" You screamed realizing Ran had drove you to forgetting about it.

Hearing this, Ran chuckled and responded with the laziest sentence yet.

"Let's just do it later after we get home."

"Haitani, you lazy dummy." you said and got ready for your date.

"This lazy dummy is your future husband, love." Ran said.

"You can say that if you graduate valedictorian." you responded.

"Of course I will, and then I'll tell the whole school that we're getting marrie-" Ran was interrupted when something was thrown on his face.

"Dummy, you think I'll like that? It would be really embarrassing, you know! You can announce it in some other way." You said while picking up the purse you just threw at him.

"But... I want everyone to know..." Ran replied, pleading.

"Everyone already knows that we're a couple, why would you want them to know about our marriage when we're just gonna send them invitations for our wedding day?" You said and waited for Ran to open the door for you.

"Oh, right. I forgot about that." Ran said before walking to the door, opening it for you.

"I guess you've been thinking a lot of things. First, you forgot about our date. Second, you forgot about wedding invitations. What's next, my name?" You joke.

"I would never forget the name of the person who holds both my heart and mind." Ran replied.

"I hate and love the fact that you always have a pickup line. Can't you save it for our wedding day?" You asked looking at him.

"I'd never run out of words when I'm with you, words can never express my love for you." He said before opening the car door.

"You never fail to make me smile, I'm so grateful to have you as my boyfriend." You said to Ran, holding his hand before getting in his car.

"And I'm grateful to have you as my girlf-" Ran is once again interrupted by his brother.

"You can't just leave me alone here... You're not gonna leave your little brother alone at home, wouldn't you?..." Rin pleaded.

"If I let you come then it wouldn't be a date..." Ran responded.

"Y/n-channnnn...." Rin cried like a baby after what his brother had said.

"Just let him come, I don't want you losing time for your brother just because of me. Go ahead, Rin, get ready and then we'll leave right after." You said and ordered Rin.

"But it's our night..." Ran said crossing his arms.

"You're not leaving your little brother at home, right? As the oldest brother, you are responsible for your brother's safety. Especially because you have no Parents or Guardians." You said and gently rubbed his arm before smiling.

"Fine... He's probably gonna take all your attention away but fine since you wanted it." Ran said pouting.

"I love you." You said while waiting for Rin.

"I love you more, love." Ran replied while getting on the driver's side seeing Rin approaching.

We went on the date together with Rin who was chatting with me the whole time which made Ran boil up with anger. Rin suddenly hugged me as I agreed to take him shopping some time making Ran burst with anger and quickly pulled me away from Rin's arms.

"I think you're forgetting that she's mine, Rindou. Keep your hands to yourself, or else..."

Ran threatened his younger brother and I snapped, I found myself facing Ran and slapping him hard on the face leaving a red mark on his cheeks as I glare at him with pure anger.

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