Chapter 10: Perfect boyfriend

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It was dismissal when you and Ran were walking home, it was a normal usual walk until you felt that someone was following you. You turn around to see Mitsuya walking in the distance, his house is not near this way so what would he be doing here?....

"Ran... Do you think Mitsuya is following us?" You whispered to Ran who immediately turn around.

"I think you're lost, Mitsuya. Your house is the other way, you know." Ran shouts at Mitsuya who doesn't seem to care about any word that Ran had said and proceeded to walk towards you.

"Mitsuya? Are you okay?..." You asked and hid behind Ran's back.

"Mitsuya, you're scaring her." Ran exclaimed while wrapping his arms around you.

Mitsuya then looks up at you, his eyes welling up, on the verge of crying his eyes out. He then knelt in front of you, looked up at you, and started to beg.

"Y/n... I know I said I liked G/n but that was until I realized my feelings for you. You're one of a kind, a beautiful, kind, smart, and responsible girl. Give me a chance, I'll make everything right please?" Mitsuya begged and you just look at Ran, confused about what's happening.

"I'm sorry, Mitsuya, but I'm with Ran now. We can still be friends though. It's better if you stand up, the ground is really hot and you might have a heatstroke with what you're wearing." You said noticing his dark blue hoodie.

"You should go home, Mitsuya." Ran said before taking your hand and continue to walk with you.

"Goodbye, Mitsuya." You turn to him for the last time and waved.

"Let's go on a date, let's watch movies, you like watching the skies at night right? I know a place we can watch the skies. Tonight, the sky is clear and there will be no clouds so it's a good time to watch the night sky." Ran invited you and you just nod and smiled.

Time skip, it was 6 pm when Ran knocked on your door. You open the door and Ran's eyes immediately glow as soon as he sees you.

"Y-you look beautiful, love." Ran said looking away while handing you a bouquet of flowers his face all red.

"Thank you." You smiled and took the flowers from his hands.

"You'll look even better with this..." Ran said before pulling out a box from his pocket.

"Ran, I told you... Marriage is not until we graduate." You said as soon as you saw the box.

"This isn't a ring, cutie. Take a look." He said and opened the box making you gasp.

Inside the box was a silver necklace with a diamond heart on its pendant.

"Isn't this a bit too expensive? I'm the type of girl to lose a lot of expensive things and this is too expensive for me to lose." You said and took one step backwards.

"Losing this necklace is nothing for me, it wouldn't k*ll me to lost 30k but you, my love... Is something I can't afford to lose." Ran said before taking the necklace out of the box and putting it around your neck.

You helped him to put it on by putting your hair up to make it easier for him to lock it.

"Thank you... It's beautiful." You said while looking at the pendant.

"Let's just say that this heart right here... Is my heart. It will always be with you no matter where you go." He replied before kissing your cheeks.

"D-dummy." You said and looked away blushing.

Ran then walked towards a luxurious car that's worth around 50k to 100k or maybe million.

"Am I dating a millionaire or a son of a millionaire?" You whispered while getting inside the car.

"I am a millionaire, love." Ran said as he enters the car.

"These are so expensive, do I even deserve this?..." You asked while looking around the car.

"Yes. You'll have every single bit of this as soon as you become my Mrs. Haitani." He responded while looking at you.

"I really hate how you make me blush every second when we're together." You said while looking out the car window.

"Let's go eat dinner first then we'll watch a movie, is that okay?" He asked.

He's everything I ever asked for a man, everything I've wanted to be treated. He's... Perfect.

"Yeah, sure. That's fine for me but what movie are we watching?" You asked.

"Scary movie" Ran said with a devilish look on his face.

"You know d*mn well I hate scary movies!!" You screamed at him.

"I'm just joking, I'm joking! It's a love story." Ran said while holding up the tickets to show you.

Sometimes I ask myself... Do I even deserve you? Ran you're the best boyfriend anyone could ask for but of all the girls at school, why do you choose me?

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