Chapter 15: Regrets and Revenge

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Still Ran's pov

"Her eyes full of... Fear?... Did I just hurt her?... And I didn't even realize?..." Ran asked himself and suddenly he snaps...

"I have to go check on her." He followed before grabbing his keys and leaving the house.

Y/n's pov

"He's not answering, Y/n..." Mitsuya said and placed his phone on the night stand.

"Ran..." You whispered meanwhile Mitsuya untied you.

"Now that Ran, your boyfriend didn't answer. It's my turn to have you... Right?" Mitsuya said with the same crazy aura he releases.

Mitsuya untied my feet lastly and I thought I could run but looking at the door, it was locked. Mitsuya noticed me looking at the door so he warned me.

"That door is blocked from the outside and the same guy who pushed you to the ground making you pass out is outside so even if you try to escape from me, you won't escape this room."

I had no chance, the windows had railings so I couldn't escape through there too. There was no escape... Mitsuya carried me and placed me on the bed. He then started to kiss me starting from the cheeks and down to the neck. He then removed my dress and he saw the necklace given to me by Ran. He glared at me before pulling the necklace off of my neck and continued to kiss me.

Ran's pov

I got inside my car and drove to her house, I parked a little far from his gate so it won't be bad if something or someone was inside her house, trying to hurt her. I walked silently inside her gate and noticed the door was open so I quickly but quietly walked upstairs and saw Y/n's room blocked with a really big cabinet and a guy. I knew someone was inside, someone who's not supposed to escape. I then started to fight the guy and successfully beat him, with that I heard Y/n inside the room, screaming my name. I was pushing the cabinet out of the way while Y/n was screaming inside when suddenly everything went silent and I got nervous so I pushed the cabinet harder and finally able to open the door.

Y/n's pov

Mitsuya had me in prison and hell, I had no choice but to just give up. I thought there was no hope when suddenly I heard Ran out side outside so I started to scream but Mitsuya covered my mouth with full force and I couldn't move his hand to scream. Finally the door opened and Ran stood there, his eyes glaring at Mitsuya who was on top of me while I lie down on the bed, tears and fear visible through my eyes. Ran the suddenly punched Mitsuya and he was unconscious giving Ran the chance to cover me, comfort me, and guide me to his car.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I'm sorry for not believing you, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for scaring you, I'm sorry for breaking my promise that I'll always be there to protect you. I'm really sorry, Y/n, please forgive me." Ran said while driving, gripping the wheel with every turn.

"Thank you, for saving me. Thank you for not failing to protect me, thank you for still keeping your promise until now, thank you for always knowing and noticing the signs I give you, thank you for being the best boyfriend I've ever had, thank you for not losing your trust and love for me. I will always forgive you, I love you, my Love." You replied.

You both arrived at Ran's house and he carried you to his room, placing you gently on the bed, tucking you in and kissed you on the forehead.

"You'll be safe here, I promise and this time I'm keeping it. Get some rest now, we'll go to the hospital tomorrow to get you checked up, okay? I love you." Ran said and you fell asleep after all that you went through today.

Ran then walked down the stairs and saw his brother smiling at him.

"You finally realized your mistakes?" Rin asked.

"Yes, and I've made huge mistakes but I'll make it up to her, I swear with my life." Ran replied and started cleaning up his mess.

"You should go to sleep, I'll clean up my own mess." Ran told his younger brother and Rin then walked upstairs to his room to sleep.

"This time, I'll stay by your side at every second. I won't let you leave my sight, Y/n. I swear I won't let this day happen again. Mitsuya, you better be hiding after this night or else I might not be able to stop myself from killing you.

(I know you're here, if you are could you please tell me what you feel about the story so far? Thank you for those who continued to read my stories and to those who hasn't stopped supporting me even after not updating for so long. I love you all!!)

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