Chapter 5: True colors

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You walked towards Ran to check his bruises.

"Are you okay? Does it still hurt? Do I have to bring you to the nurse?" You asked him while checking the bruises all over his body.

"Five small bruises on both your arm, some on your face, does your feet hurt? Where else does it hurt?" You asked him before realizing that he's actually looking at you.

"It hurts here..."  Ran said before lifting up his shirt revealing his six pack abs.

"Wh-what are you doing, Haitani!! That's not an appropriate thing to do as a student!" You screamed stepping away and looking away from him as he chuckled and apologized.

"You gotta admit, you liked it, right?" Ran teased you while walking towards you.

"You were so worried about me, and I saw you blush when I showed you my-" you cut him off once again with a serious face.

"First off, I was worried only because you're the vice-president. Second, I wasn't blushing, I was just embarrassed and shy. Lastly, go back to your seat, the teacher will be here in a few minutes." You walked back to your seat and read a book as you usually do.

First period had past and Mitsuya came back to the classroom. He didn't even took a glance at you and just bowed his head while he sits. You felt guilty for what you did but you knew you were just doing the right thing after what he did to Ran. As a President he knew better than pushing his classmate down the stairs.

Time skip, it was lunch and you decided to sit with Ran. Mitsuya doesn't seem to want to sit with you, he's sitting with other people.

"You okay? You look troubled." Ran looks at you and tried to hold your hand but before he can, you pulled away and opened your bag to take out your lunch.

"I'm fine, just hungry." You replied while preparing to eat.

"You better eat then, it's not good to hunger yourself."

I don't know if I should be guilty or not, Mitsuya didn't even explain his side. There must be something wrong, or is this really who he is... If so, then that's unexpected. I really thought he was a green flag, I didn't think he'd do something like that...

You said before looking at Ran.

Ran's pov:

"No way she actually believe what I said. I really thought Mitsuya would speak up but I guess he learned his lessons. He got more bruises than I did, he did a good job hiding them." He whispered to himself while you weren't looking, focused at the teacher in front.

When Mitsuya came back, he didn't look at Y/n nor me. I don't think I have to remind him of what I told him yesterday.

Lunch time, Mitsuya sat with the other classmates, now I get to sit with Y/n. I've always wanted to know how it feels like to eat lunch with her. He's looking at Mitsuya again..

"You okay? You seem troubled?" I asked her, my blood is starting to boil. Why is she still concerned about him, he literally "pushed me down the stairs".

"I'm fine, just hungry." Her reply sounds so weak, she probably haven't had breakfast.

You better eat then, it's not good to hunger yourself." I told her and looked at Mitsuya who is silently eating his food.

I'd do anything to have you all for myself, Y/n. Even if it means lying to you and threatening the person you treasure the most and make you hate him. You'll be mine soon enough... Soon.

Back to Y/n's pov

It was dismissal time when I spotted Mitsuya by the gate, I approached him but when he saw me, he walked away... I understand if he's mad at me. Just then, Ran came from behind me and smiled.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked and I nodded as a response.

"Look, you don't have to worry about Mitsuya. I'm sure he's just trying to recover from what happened earlier, it's not good to be sent to the principal's office but you didn't a good thing. I gotta thank you for being on my side this time." Ran comforted me and I felt better than before.

Ran's pov

She's approaching him? Mitsuya better not let her close to him or else... I calmed down when I saw him walking away after seeing Y/n. She look so sad but at least this is my chance, I walked up to her and smiled before asking her...

"Can I walk you home?" My smile not fading as she nods.

She looks so beautiful up close... But it would be much better if she smiles. So I tried to comfort her, thankfully it worked. Her smile is as beautiful as a field of blooming roses, I want her to be mine.

I'd give you anything just for you to be mine. Mitsuya is not the one for you, I am and I'm not wasting my time watching you fall even more with him.

That's all for chapter 5

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