Chapter 19: Only brother, ONLY girlfriend

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"How dare you threaten your own brother?! Have you forgot about how he treated you all those years?! Remember, Ran Haitani, you may think that he's stealing me from you but you should never ever threaten your brother without knowing his intentions! You shouldn't even be jealous at your own brother, it only shows how much you not trust him, infact you should be glad he gets along with me. What would you like, seeing the both of us glare at each other like enemies or seeing the both of us laughing with each other as friends?! You better control your jealousy before I get sick of it. Understand, Haitani?!" You scolded Ran making him look down on the floor.

"Sorry love, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry Rindou, It won't happen again I promise." Ran apologized.

"It's okay, I understand." Rin replied.

"Love, I'm sorry, I promise I'll control myself next time please..." Ran said hugging you from behind.

You didn't respond to him and just walked up to the car. The brothers followed you while Ran holds your hand.

"Let's go home, I'm tired." You said and Rindou went straight to the car.

"Eh? But-" you didn't let him finish as you glared at him and went inside the car.

"But I didn't mean it..." Ran whispered to himself.

After a few minutes of driving, we arrived home. I went straight to my room and closed the door.

"Y/n, love, please open the door, let's talk please?" Ran said after knocking on my door.

"We can talk tomorrow." You said and flopped on the bed.

"We're not leaving this misunderstanding for tomorrow. Let's talk about it now." Ran said before twisting the knock and swinging the door open.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I promise from now on I'll control myself, I won't hurt Rindou for a small reason, I swear!" Ran said raising his right hand as he promised.

"You better." You replied, crossing your arms.

"So you forgive me now?" Ran said laying down on your lap with puppy eyes as you're sitting up on your bed.

"Yes, I forgive you." You responded, squeezing his cheeks.

"Thank you, love! I love you." Ran exclaimed before wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Dummy... Go talk to your brother, he needs your apology most." You said while playing with his hair.

"Mhm... I'll talk to him now, goodnight love. Get some rest, you're probably tired from tonight. Sleep well~" Ran kissed your forehead before leaving the room.

Ran did talk to his younger brother, you heard them both laughing together on the other room. You smiled hearing them and quickly fell asleep.

Time skip, you, Ran and Rindou had graduating. You found out that Mitsuya moved out of Tokyo away from you and Ran, you forgot about him already and only worried about Ran and his brother. Ran surprisingly graduated Valedictorian making you the top 2. Ran was giving his speech when you went to the restroom for a few seconds, when you came back everyone's eyes was on you and you were suddenly pulled to the stage by Rindou which is where Ran stands waiting for you.

"I have something to ask, love..." Ran said while looking at you.

"Uhh... Sure, what is it?" You asked feeling a bit nervous and shy.

"Please don't cry, okay? Please don't be surprised, okay?" He said which made you more nervous, making you sweat.

"Ran, don't scare me like that..." You said and just then, Ran knelt in front of you holding a box on his hand.

"Y/n L/n, The love of my life, my future, my one and only treasure, will you marry me?" Ran asked before opening the box containing a ring with diamond on it.

You couldn't reply because of the joyful tears forming in your eyes, so you just nodded yes which made the whole crowd of graduating students cheer and scream. Ran then pulled you by the waist and kissed you, tears of joy began to fall from your eyes as you kiss him back.

"I told you, next thing I'll buy for you is a ring, later on will be a wedding dress, and then baby materials." Ran said and chuckled.

"You're a dummy but I still love you..." You said and hugged him.

"I love you more, love." He replied which the crowd continues to cheer.

"I can't wait for our wedding day." You said and Ran smiled before telling the principal to continue the graduation.

You both had just graduated but you knew you can take care of both you and Ran. You already have the skills, the brains, the beauty, now all you need is a job. A few weeks after the graduation, you found a job as a kindergarten teacher and you've been earning really big money from the job and learning to take care of kids at the same time.

(Chapter 20 is the last chapter so watch out for my next story 👀. Also, you don't have to hide that smile, keep smiling sweetie, you look cute smiling. [I mean, just imagine Ran saying that to you 😌])

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