Chapter 9: Truth

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Ran walked you home after that and you went straight to bed, cried yourself to sleep. It hurts to know that your best friend for years only used you for her wants.

Next day, I was so weak that I felt that I didn't want to go to school. I decided not to go to school but I suddenly heard the doorbell ring. I peeked through the window and saw Ran.

"Why are you still not on your uniform?" Ran asked as soon as you opened the door.

"I'm not going to school." You replied.

"Yes you are. You're going to school either you like it or not, if you're not feeling well then tell me, I'll take care of you for the whole day. You're going to school with me or you're staying at home with me. Your choice, now go get ready or we'll be late." Ran placed his bag down before pulling you to your room and ordering you to get ready.

"Okay, okay jeez calm down." You responded and grabbed your towel.

"Good. I'll be waiting downstairs." Ran said before leaving your room.

Time skip, you're all ready for school so you walked downstairs where Ran was waiting.

"I didn't know you look so beautiful up close..." Ran said while walking up to you.

"Wha- okay?..." You chuckled nervously while he walks towards you.

"Let's go?" He said before kissing your forehead.

"Y-yeah..." You replied, blushing.

"Cute" Ran whispered while walking beside you.

"Shut up." You said, covering your face.

Time skip, you both are already at school when you saw F/n glaring at you, her eyes glowing red, obviously mad.

"Come with me." Ran said before grabbing your hand and pulling towards a flower shop that just opened in front of the school gate.

"What are the flowers for?" You asked.

Ran looked at you before replying, "you." And smiled.

"Idiot." You said looking away as you blush once again.

"Here, you deserve it." Ran said while giving you the flowers then winked.

"Let's just go to class, dummy." You said as you grab the flowers from his hand avoiding eye contact as your face is red as the roses in your hands.

"I love you." Ran leaned down before whispering to you.

"I love you too, idiot." You replied and covered your face with the roses.

Time skip, you entered the classroom and the students started to whistle, teasing the both of you and asking if you two we're dating. You nodded and noticed Mitsuya staring at you and the roses on your hand. You ignored his eyes and walked to your seat.

"Alright, sit down everyone. What was going on here? Why is everyone shouting and whistling?!" The teacher asked before placing her things down.

"The Vice president and the famous girl are dating!!" One of your classmates screamed continuing to tease you and Ran.

"Ooh~ since when?~" the teacher joined the teasing while you and Ran only looked at each other.

The teasing continued for around 10 to 15 minutes until the teacher finally told everyone to settle down for class. You in the meantime is just staring at the Roses and counting each pieces.

Time skip, it was lunch time when Ran pulled you out of them room while the others, again, teases you.

"Where are we going?" You asked Ran who was running in front of you.

"Let's eat lunch together! Don't ever give a d*mn about F/n, she doesn't deserve you. You're too perfect to be used by a girl like her, focus on me and me alone, okay?" Ran said before facing you with a smile on his face.

"Sure." You said calmly with a wide smile on your face.

"You look gorgeous when you smile, keep that up okay? Can't wait to see that smile on our wedding day." Ran said while looking straight into your eyes.

"Wedding day?! Ran you're so advance! We haven't even graduated yet omg!" You said that made Ran chuckle.

"I know, but at least you know that I love you so much, I'd marry you right now." Ran stated while feeding you some of his lunch.

"You're different than what I thought you'd be... I love you too." You said before eating the food he was feeding you.

"And what kind of different do you mean?" He asked.

"A red flag player." You replied which made him freeze and look at you.

"Do you really mean that?" Ran asked with the cutest puppy eyes you could ever imagine.

"It was before I really knew you. Now I see what you really are." You smiled and fed him some of your lunch.

"Aww, so sweet. Beautiful and sweet... Wife material!" Ran said before eating the food.

"S-shut up, idiot!" You said and looked away.

Meanwhile, Mitsuya is sitting far away from the both of you, watching as you both laugh together. This time he realised, he lost a piece of diamond... A diamond that he can never hold again.

Regrets of the President [Mitsuya and Ran Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now