Chapter 4: Frienemies?...

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I looked at the both of them while they looked down at their feet, their hands behind their back. I took a step towards them and they stepped back.

"I'm not gonna hurt any of you as long as you tell me what's going on here." You asked them, standing in front of them.

They looked at each other for a few seconds and finally talked

"He started it" they both said in chorus and looked at each other.

"Seriously?" You looked at them with disbelief and walked towards the kitchen to prepare the food.

Walking back to them you heard them whispering at each other.

"What is she to you?... I still wonder what you did to her that made her go crazy about you. Her friend keeps on drooling on me while I watch her smile and talk with you..." Ran said looking at him then back to the table in front of them.

"A friend... I didn't do anything to her other than talk to her and be kind to her. I'm not planning to steal her from you but if you think about it, you have to respect her decision and choices in the end, right? I mean, she's my friend and I'd understand if she chooses you. Besides, i actually like her best friend,
F/n." Mitsuya explained before making eye contact with you.

"Food's ready, let's eat. You two are probably tired after all that fighting." Saying that, you walked to the kitchen counter and tried your best to not face them yet.

They both sat down and started to eat, Mitsuya first prayed before eating meanwhile Ran already finished half of his food before Mitsuya even finished his prayer.

Going back to you at the kitchen counter, your eyes welling up remembering what Mitsuya had said, "I like her best friend, F/n" knowing deep down inside your heart you already like him.

It's not like it's already impossible for him to like me back, right? I mean it's not too late, besides we just met few days ago. I still have a chance, F/n likes Ran...

You said before wiping the tears from your eyes and walking towards the table seeing both of them still eating. You sat down and started to eat, thinking of what to talk about considering that both Mitsuya nor Ran are talking to each other.

"So, do you guys have anything to share about yourselves?" You asked which automatically made both of them turn to you.

"Like what, exactly?" Mitsuya asked making Ran scoff on the other side of the table which is just in front of Mitsuya.

"Didn't you hear her say 'anything', you deaf mother-" You cut him off before he finishes his sentence in front of the food.

"It's disrespect to talk like that in front of the table, Ran." You scolded him and continue to eat.

"And yes, I mean anything at all. Anything you're comfortable to share that is." You continue while eating.

"You already know my name, age? I'm 18. I have two little sisters their names are Luna and Mana. I take care of them myself but right now they're at the daycare. I would've been home by now if it's wasn't for this chaotic psycho punching me out of nowhere." Mitsuya coldly said while looking at Ran.

I can hear Ran's jaw clenching as soon as he heard Mitsuya's words. I have a feeling that this won't end well, I seriously can't handle this two without anyone's help now that I can feel his anger rising every second. My fear of seeing them both fight disappeared when Ran talked calmly...

"Just as Mitsuya said, you already know both our names, age? 19. I have a younger brother but he goes to a different school. He'll be transferred here soon, he just needs to pass everything he needs to pass. I don't have anything else to say." Ran said before standing up, walking to the sink and washed his plate.

"I'll be taking my leave now, thank you for taking care of me." He follows before walking out of the house.

"Yeah, I'm leaving too." Mitsuya said while he washes his plate.
"Thanks for taking care of me."

"Oh, uh okay. Take care, both of you. And don't fight!" Just as soon as you said that, you heard a taxi stop in front of your house and you know that they're both going home now, or at least you thought so.

Monday came by and it's school time, you weren't expecting what you'd see as soon as you opened the classroom door.

"What did you two do?!" You worriedly asked them while looking at both of them.

"If he's not too sensitive, it wouldn't have happened." Mitsuya explained looking away.

"Sensitive?! You're the one who pushed me down the stairs! And you're calling me sensitive?" Ran exclaimed which made your jaw dropped.

You looked at Mitsuya trying your best not to believe what you just heard. With shaking voice, you asked him...

"Is that true? Did you really push him down the stairs?"

Mitsuya looked at you with pure guilt on his eyes then looked away once again. With that you can confirm... He really did it.

"I'm gonna need you to report to the principal's office, right now Mr. Mitsuya." You told him while pointing to the door.

That's all for chapter 4
Next chapter soon

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