Chapter 12: His future Mrs. Haitani

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Next day, it was announced that there was no classes for today because it was Valentines Day, also your birthday. It was early in the morning while you were cooking breakfast when suddenly you heard the doorbell ring. You walked towards the door and peeked through the hole to see who it was. There you saw Ran Haitani standing with a wide smile and another bouquet of flowers on his hand.

"Ran? What are you doing here?" you asked after opening the door.

"Am i not allowed to visit my girlfriend on Valentines Day and on her birthday?" his response made you blush and you hear him chuckle lowly.

"That's not even what i meant." you said and he just nods while smiling, looking at the ground.

"Anyway, here. I know this is the second time I've given you flowers but don't worry, next time the next thing you'll receive from me is a wedding ring." He said while giving you the bouquet then winked at you.

"Oh please, you'd probably already be dating someone else as soon as we graduate." You said jokingly while walking back inside.

"If that's really what you think then why don't I show you how serious I am with you." Ran said with a smirk before hugging you from the back and gently kissing your neck.

"S-stop it, dummy! We haven't even graduated yet, I don't want to stop my studies just bec-" Ran cut you off.

"What are you talking about, love? That's not what I meant, I mean to tell everyone else that we're dating, cutie." He said and giggled.

"You're thinking of something else, lovely. You gotta control yourself and save those thoughts for after our wedding." He followed.

"I hate you sometimes." You said while pouting.

"I love you more, my future Mrs. Haitani." His words made your cheeks burn and you found yourself blushing.

"Oh, let's go shopping!" Ran invited you.

"Shopping for what? I don't think I need anything anymore." You said.

"Trust me, it's not really something you need. It's more like something you deserve." Ran replied and you look at him confused.

"I don't get it..." You said in confusion.

"Silly, we're going shopping for your gift. My gift for you." Ran said and reached out for your hand.

"O-oh... S-sure..." You said stuttering.

It was the very first time someone has treated you this way before. You don't know what to feel, happy, shy, or confused.

"So? Shall we go?" He asked.

"Yeah." You said, confident, before taking his hand.

We both went to the mall and we shopped for almost 2 to 3 hours until we finally finished so we walked out of the mall where we bumped into Mitsuya who was with his two younger sisters.

"Out on a date?" Mitsuya asked.

"Obviously." Ran responded to him with a deadly glare.

"You? Out with your sisters I see. Shopping for school supplies?" You asked while slowly holding Ran's hand to tell him to calm down.

"Yeah, they needed the requirements to get into the next grade." Mitsuya said while holding on to his sister's hand.

"Alright, we'll be leaving now before something else happens here." I said before pulling Ran away from Mitsuya knowing he's about to throw a punch.

"He's not even doing anything, Ran. Please try not to start a fight at a special day like this. Just for me, can you?" You asked him as a favor.

"Fine, since it's you who asked. I'll try not to start a fight but if anyone tries to flirt with you, don't be surprised if you see them flying full of bruises on their face and broken ribs." He said in a serious tone while looking forward.

With a little bit of fear on my heart, I gently pulled him down, making him lean towards me and then kissed him on the cheeks which made him look at me with shock, slowly turning red. He quickly looked away as you smile obviously blushing, he loves to hide how much he loves your kisses.

"W-what was that for?" Ran asked while looking away from you.

"So you would calm down." You replied with a smile and continued to walk.

"... Okay. I'm already calm anyway." He said.

"You gotta look forward before you bump into something." You said but he didn't listen.

"BANG!" the pole in front of him echoed as he walked towards it, accidentally hitting him on his head.

"I tried to warn you." You said and laughed.

"You little cutie, get back here!" Ran said before running towards you.

You ran away from him and you two chased each other for a whole 10 minutes until you both are tired. The two of you sat down on the bench and realized that the sun was already going down.

"You love watching sunsets?" Ran asked while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I love anything related to nature." You replied and leaned your head to his shoulder.

"You wanna know what I love?" Ran asked.

"What?" You asked curiously.

"You, Y/n Y/l/n. My future Mrs. Y/n Haitani. My one and only love." He said and kissed your forehead.

I didn't respond because of how much I was blushing that time... Soon after watching the sunset, Ran dropped me off at home, and as usual we said out goodbyes and went to bed. It was the best day but I'm also very tired so what happens tomorrow is for tomorrow's problem.

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