Chapter 17: Apology

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Still Ran's pov

"All I need is your apology, Mitsuya."
Ran said to Mitsuya while two men dragged his sisters to another room.
Not a single word was heard from Mitsuya and so Ran entered the room where the sisters were in.
"I won't hurt you or your brother if you do what I tell you to do." Ran said.
"What would you want us to do, mister." The siblings asked.
"I just want you to scream as loud as you can like you're getting hurt, that's all. I'm not gonna hurt you don't worry." Ran responded so the girls obeyed while Ran applies fake blood on his hands only to not get busted that he was taking it.
"Thank you, you may stop now." Ran said before leaving the room. This process continued until Mitsuya finally apologized.
"Don't worry, I didn't really hurt them. They're fine, see?" Ran said before the girls stepped out of the room unharmed.
"Just remember, Mitsuya, if you try to hurt or touch Y/n again, it might not be another fake situation." Ran warned him before going home.

Back to the normal pov

"I thought you really hurt them." Rindou said and Ran just chuckled while shaking his head.

"I wouldn't hurt them for now, next time? Maybe." Ran said and went downstairs.

"I wonder, why was there blood on your hands?" You asked just now realizing it.

"It's fake blood, love. Don't worry, I promise I didn't hurt them. Not now..." Ran replied.

"Don't think about it, I don't think Mitsuya will ever have a reason to come near me after you knocked him out." You said while watching TV.

Next day, I went to school with Ran. Mitsuya didn't attend school but it's probably because of what happened before. I didn't think about him for today so I went on with my day together with Ran. We had lunch together, and we walked together at dismissal. Ran as usual asked me to go on a date again with him to make up with his mistakes.

"Yeah, sure. Where are we going this time?" You asked.

"Somewhere." Ran said and you just nod.

"Okay?... Anyway, I heard about this place where thousands of flowers grow and it's named Ichika Hayashi and it means One thousand flowers in the woods. That place is beautiful you know, I wanted to go there but-" Ran suddenly interrupted you.

"It's dangerous to be there at night? Yeah, so let's go there on Saturday, let's have a picnic there. It'll be fun don't you think?" Ran said smiling, holding your hand.

"Really? I'd love to! I love picnics! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" You hugged Ran before jumping with excitement.

"You're so cute I can't help it." Ran said before pulling you close and kissing you at the front gate of the school.

"Y-you dummy, don't do that again!" You screamed while hitting Ran gentle enough to not hurt him.

"Sorry love, it's your fault for being so cute sometimes." Ran said giving you the smile he used to give you.

"I love you... My Mr. Haitani." You said making Ran blush.

"I love you more, my Mrs. Haitani." Ran said while caressing your cheeks.

"Let's go home and finish our homework before we go on our date." You said and proceeded to walk forward.

"Of course, I'll need your help too." Ran said while walking behind you.

"Nah, you got this. You can do your own homework." You said giggling.

"Whaaaaat?.... But I need your helpppppp.... Loveeeeeeee...." Ran said while catching up to you.

"No~!" You continue while running away from him.

"Loveeeee~... " Ran continued to chase after you while trying to convince you to help him with his homework.

Ran chased me all the way home and as soon as I sat down the couch to catch my breath, Ran suddenly pulled me into a hug and started tickling me. I kept telling Ran to stop because it tickles but he wouldn't stop until his brother got home and literally slammed the door close.

"Rin? What's wrong?" Ran asked but Rindou just stood there avoiding his eyes.

"Did we do something wrong?" You asked.

"No... I'm just jealous because my older brother already have a girlfriend meanwhile I'm here being single." Rindou replied pouting. You and Ran just laughed at his response.

(For those asking, yes, Ichika Hayashi means "Thousand flowers in the forest" you can search up "Ichika meaning" and "Hayashi meaning" to see for yourself that it's true. Only the name is true but the place does not exist. Anyways thank you to all who reads and waits for my updates, I'm really glad you guys enjoyed this story. Sorry to say but this story will be ending between chapter 19 or 20. Love you guys, always.)

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