Chapter 1: Beginning of a wonderful friendship.

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Mitsuya and I walked around the school, talking and laughing, asking questions about each other and honestly... I kinda enjoyed it. Usually, I don't like having boys around me but he's just different from all the boys I've talked to. We heard the bell rang and we quickly ran back to our class laughing at ourselves, arriving at the room out of breath."

"Where have you been?" F/n asked seeing you out of breath.

"Out. It was break time and I'm allowed to go out, just so you know." You replied, catching your breath with every word.

"Yeah I know that but why were you with the new student, you two seems to be having while outside huh?" She's teasing you again, as usual.

You looked at her and shook your head as you drink some water.

"You already like him, don't you?" Her question made you spit out the water you were drinking right into her face.

"Y/n what the hell?!" She screamed running to the restroom.

You looked at Mitsuya who was laughing on her sit, facing you.

Gosh, why is he so cute though...

"Omg, are you blushing?!"  Your best friend asked, her voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

"N-no..." You nervously replied as everyone looked at you.

"You don't have to deny it, I know when you're lying. I'm your best friend, I know you better than your brother knows you." F/n whispered as the teacher arrived.

"Shut up, dummy. I was just... Embarrassed after what I did to you..." You said defending yourself from what your best friend is saying.

F/n didn't reply and just let out a small chuckle before looking at you and taking a glance at Mitsuya.

"Would you stop? I don't like him, okay?" You told her, obviously lying, turning your head the other way as you felt your checks getting hot.

The teacher wrote something on the board while announcing that the voting for class officers are open.

Surprisingly the two new students were voted. Ran Haitani as Vice President, Mitsuya Takashi as President. Honestly, Mitsuya looks like someone you can count on as a president. Ran doesn't seem fit for Vice president though, knowing that they are both enemies.

Time skip, it was lunch break and I was eating at the cafeteria when suddenly Mitsuya sat down beside me. I felt nervous because I didn't know if he heard what me and my best friend were talking about.

"Can I sit here?" He asked, pointing at the seat in front of you.

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind, it's not taken anyway." You agreed and continue to eat.

We are just eating but why is he looking at me like he wants to eat me? Did I do something wrong? Was it because of what me and F/n were talking about earlier? Oh my god, did he hear what we were talking about?!

"Are you okay? You're sweating like hell. Here let me wipe that for you." Mitsuya said taking his handkerchief from his pocket and wiping off your sweats. You felt your hands shaking, your cheeks getting hot, and your heart beat getting faster and faster until finally you stand up, picked up your things, excused yourself and ran to the restroom.

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?" He asked himself, and tried to smell his handkerchief thinking that it stink but all he smell was your shampoo.

"Rose scented shampoo? She has great taste even for shampoo." He whispered before he continues to eat.

Meanwhile, Y/n in the bathroom

"What the hell was that?! Did that really just happened?! I can't believe he did that..." You looked at the mirror and found yourself... Blushing?...

"N-no way he just made me blush... Out of all the boys I've talked to, you're the first one who has made me blush. What are you?... Who are you?..." You thought to yourself while washing your face.

"Obviously your future husband..." A voice in your mind said, making your face go red.

"F*ck... Am I... In love?... Is this what love feels like? So love at first sight is true?" You asked yourself as you hide in the cubicle through the whole class hours.

As soon as the bell rang, you ran out of the restroom, grabbed your things from your room and went straight home.

If you're reading this, that means you're amazing! If you follow me, then you're beautiful, if you put this on your reading list then that means I love you! ❤ take care always!

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