Chapter 7: Secrets

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"What's with you all of the sudden? That was my chance to know who Ran likes." She said, and you already knew she's desperate but you don't want to break her heart either.

"Oh really? I didn't know sorry, I just wanted to treat you because it's been 3 years since we've been friends." You responded unsure of what she'll believe.

"Okay? Didn't we celebrate it like 5 months ago?" She asked with suspension.

"Oh come on, don't you wanna spend time with your best friend?" You told her and bought two ice cream for the both of you.

"I do but I just wanna know who Ran likes, I hope it's me though." She seem to forget that you like Mitsuya but Mitsuya likes her.

You were on your way back to school to get your things when you bump into Mitsuya. He doesn't take a glance or even talked to you, he just walked pass you. After a few seconds Ran appeared and you flinched as he called you.

"Y/n! I forgot to ask, are we gonna practice our performance at your house or somewhere else?"

"Aren't you the leader of the group? So you decide." You replied.

"You live in a big house right? I think we have enough space there to practice." He responded and you nodded.

"H-hi." F/n greeted Ran but he just smiled and waved.

"I'll see you later then, Y/n!" He said and left.

"Not even a hi for me?" F/n whispered.
"He's probably thinking about the performance, don't worry." I comfort her and she smiled.
"I have to go now, my brother is probably looking for me now. Bye Y/n." She waved goodbye and ran home.

Ran's pov

Mitsuya walked pass them, she's with F/n again as usual. I need a way to spend time with her alone. I remember, about the performance and we need to practice. That's it, I'll ask if we can practice at her house and then after the practice I'll stay to help her with anything she needs inside the house.

I asked her and she agreed to practice at her house which is a good thing. Now her best friend is greeting me, just smile and wave, you don't have to say anything. I'll see Y/n later, this is my chance to tell her.

Y/n's pov

Time skip, it was 5 pm when the group arrived at my house. We practiced the performance until we perfected it, now it's getting dark so I'll have to send them home.

"It's getting dark, you guys should go home. It's dangerous to walk outside if it gets any darker." You told them.

"I'll stay here to help clean up, these materials we used for props are a mess now. I'll help Y/n clean up and you guys go on ahead." Ran said and started to clean up.

"Alright then, we'll go on ahead. Bye guys!" The others waved goodbye before leaving the house.

"Thank you, Ran." You thanked him and helped clean up.

"Anytime. I don't have anything to do at home anyway. We don't have assignments, don't we?" He asked.

"We don't get assignments during Mondays for some unknown reasons." I responded to his question.

Time skip, after cleaning up Ran sat down on the couch to take some rest and I did too. We were wiping our sweats off when I noticed that Ran got closer to me. Is he moving closer? Maybe just my imagination.

"You know, keeping secrets is not a good thing especially when you're keeping it from your best friend." Ran said and you turn to him your eyes widened as soon as you realized what he was talking about.

"I know, but... I just can't bring myself to tell her. I don't want to hurt her..." You looked down and responded.

"Truth really hurts but sometimes it hurts more when it's the people you trust that keeps it from you." He placed his hands on your shoulder while. speaking

"I will... Soon... But tell me, who do you like really? I need her name. She will surely be lucky to have you." You look up and made eye contact with him.

You tried to look away but Ran gently grabbed your chin turning your face towards him not breaking eye contact.

"You." He responded calmly with a warm smile, his eyes shining with confidence.

"M-me?! Wh-what?! Wh-why me?! Ran you know I like-" you got cut off when Ran suddenly kissed you.

I know Mitsuya don't and won't like me and it hurts but what Ran is making me feel right now is just indescribable. His kiss is so deep, I can feel how much he really like me. His hands holding mine, so soft and gentle, I feel so safe around him. His words, honest and true, how can I ever say no.

Thinking these things, you find yourself... Responding to his kiss.

"I love you, Y/n. Please love me back..." Ran whispered between the unending kiss.

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