Last Chapter: Wedding day

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A few months after being accepted as a kindergarten teacher, the principal upgraded you to a higher level, you are now a grade 3 teacher. It was only a few weeks until your wedding day, you're really excited but today, Ran wasn't replying to your texts and calls. You tried asking Rindou but his response left you over thinking.

"He didn't tell me where he's going but he did say that he's going to meet someone."

"Did he tell you who?" You asked thinking about who could it be.

"No but he did say it was a woman... Oh wait... You don't think he's-" you couldn't handle the stress of over thinking so you stopped him.

"Stop, please... It's probably just his friend. Who knows?... Just tell him to reply to me when he gets home okay? Bye and take care." You said and ended the call.

Something was troubling me, Ran never had girl friends, ever. He never even talked to any other girl except... My ex best friend... He couldn't be... I trust him, I know he wouldn't do that to me.

As soon as the school bell rang, you went straight home expecting Ran to be home but he wasn't. You tried to call him several times but there was no response. It was already 5pm when Ran got home, you walk up to him trying to hold your anger.

"Where have you been?! You haven't responded to any of my texts and calls. Who did you meet?! Is it my ex Best friend?! Tell me! Tell me!!" You screamed at Ran hoping he'd tell you that he wasn't cheating on you.

"I met up with a woman..." Rin was right... It was a girl. With jealousy, you slapped Ran.

"I deserve that but please let me finish..." Ran said and you glared at him clenching your fist.

"I met up with a woman, and it was our wedding planner... The reason why I couldn't respond to your texts and calls is because my phone is dead. I forgot to charge it last night due to tiredness. Take a look." Ran said before giving you his phone.

You pressed the power button of his phone and it wasn't powering on. You tried to press it longer to see if it wasn't just shut down but it only showed a 0% battery screen. You calmed down and believed him.

"I'm sorry, I should've listened first before hurting you." You said and hugged Ran.

"I understand, you're actually cute when you're jealous." Ran said and rubbed your back while you hug him.

"I love you..." You said while burying your face to his chest.

"I love you too. Have you ate?" Ran asked while wrapping his arms around you.

"No... I can't eat without you... I was waiting for you so we could eat together." You said, your face still buried on his chest.

"Alright, let's eat then. You must be hungry from all the work, later on we'll go to bed and-" You already knew what Ran was going to say so you covered his mouth.

"Save it for after the wedding, dummy." You said and sat down.

"Haha okay okay." He replied.

Time skip it's already wedding day, all your friends and family was there.
You were walking down the aisle, eyes locked with Ran as you both smiled. Wedding went on and finally it was time to exchange vows. You and Ran faced each other and held hands.

"I have no words to express to you how much I love you, I just know I love you and I'll love you until my last breath. I want you to know that I will and promise to make you the happiest girl in the world, your smile is everything for me so you can make sure that I'll keep that promise. Just like marriage, love comes to our life only once, if you let it go, you might have just let go of the person who could've made you the happiest. I'm glad that we never let go of each other no matter how much arguments, problems, and people stop us from building our future. From this day and forever, I will be by your side no matter what happens, til death do us part." Ran vowed.

"I never really expected that you'd be my husband, that you'd be the one I'll marry. We never even talked on the first day we met, and yet here I am looking at the man who understands me most, who protects me in the most... Manly way, who loves and cherish me like a man and a husband would to his wife.I, Y/n Haitani, promise to love you no matter what stands in front of us, if it means I have to take a bullet for you, I would. From this day forward, I will forever be the sun who will light up your darkest days, no storms can end without the brightness of our love, I will serve as your blanket whenever you need warmth on a cold weather, I will serve as your pillow whenever you need someone to cry to, I will serve as your therapists to listen to every single problems you have or will have, and I will serve as the microphone in our relationship, I will tell the world how much I love you, Ran Haitani." You vowed as tears started to form on your eyes.

Ran wiped the tears from your eyes and proceeded to kiss you which you responded to. After the wedding, you both celebrated the day together, happily.


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