Chapter 8: Love or Friendship?

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"I'd give you a chance, Ran but... F/n is really obsessed with you, I don't want to break her heart. She's my best friend, I don't want to ruin our friendship." You replied to him as soon as the kiss ended.

"I understand... Just remember that I'll wait until you give me a chance, okay?" Ran responded cupping your cheeks and kissing your forehead.

"Thank you..." You replied feeling regretful of your decision.

"I love you, Y/n." Ran said before pecking your lips.

"I love you too... It's getting late, you should go." You smiled and replied.

Next day, you got to school and Ran greeted you joyfully.

"Y/n! Did you sleep well?" Ran asked you while he walks with you.

"I did but can you do me a favor?..." You stop walking and asked him.

"Sure, anything for you." He replied.

"Can you keep your distance when we're at school? F/n will surely get suspicious of us." You said gripping the strap of your bag.

"Oh... Okay, as you wish. Just remember that I'm here if you need something, anything. I'll go ahead now, F/n is walking towards you." Ran said and walked away.

"Y/n! Let's walk to class together!" F/n said while running to you.

"Sure." You formally said and walked with her.

"By the way, why we're you with Ran?..." She asked which made your eyes widen.

"H-he was just... Uhm... Asking about the practice yesterday. He said he left his notes back at my house." You nervously replied.

"Hmm... Okay!" She said and you were relieved knowing she doesn't suspect you.

Time skip, it was first period when you notice F/n keeps looking at Ran who is sitting at the back while Mitsuya was looking at F/n.

"F/ should focus on class. If the teacher catches you looking at him, you might get a warning." You sigh and F/n quickly looked towards the teacher.

"She's obsessed with him... How am I supposed to tell her?! I want to give him a chance but F/n..." You thought to yourself.

While I was thinking of a way to tell F/n, I didn't realize that the teacher was calling me and F/n was tapping my shoulder.

"Y/n!" F/n screamed which made me flinch and looked around realizing then that everyone was looking at me.

"Is there something wrong, miss Y/l/n? You look troubled, are you not feeling well?" The teacher asked.

"No, ma'am. Not at all, just a little tired, I'm sorry." You slightly smiled as the teacher continues to teach.

"Are you thinking about Mitsuya? ~" F/n asked with a smug face.

"F/n please... No. Not right now." I replied and she let out a giggle.

It's now lunch time and I wanted to sit with Ran but F/n is with him. I decided to sit alone far away from them, not trying to take a glance at them.

The day went on and you tried to stay away from Ran, until dismissal came when suddenly...

"Y/n..." F/n whispered loud enough for you to hear.

"Yeah?... Is something wrong?" You asked while looking at F/n who is now holding your wrist... Shaking.

"F/n? Are you okay?! You're shaking." You asked her, lifting up her chin to get a better view of her face which surprised you.

"F/n... Why are you crying?... Who hurt you?!" You asked your blood boiling.

"Why didn't you tell me... Why did you have to keep it from me?" F/n asked her tears continuously falling from her eyes down her cheeks.

"What do you mean, F/n? I don't get it." You replied clueless on what she's saying.

"Ran likes you and you decided to keep it from me?... How could you... I hate you!" F/n screamed before running out of the room.

"F/n! Wait, let me explain!" You tried to run after her but someone stopped you before you can even keep up with her.

"It's not worth it..." Ran who held your wrist said as soon as you looked at him.

"What the fck? Ran are you crazy?! I told you that F/n will be mad at me if she finds out about it!" You exclaimed before giving him a slap which he blocked by his hand.

"As I said, it's not worth it... She's not worth your time."  He said before pulling you close to him.

"What the hell made you think that?!" You screamed while pulling away from him.

"Earlier when you sat far away from us, she keeps talking bad about you! She's back stabbing you! She said she's only using you to get with the boys she likes and I'm one of them! I only told her about us so she would stop bothering and following you! Isn't it obvious why she only comes to you whenever we're together or when you're surrounded by boys?!" Ran explained and you felt weak after hearing this.

"She... Did that?..." You said weakly.

Ran then hugged you for comfort

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