Chapter 14: Jealousy is your greatest enemy

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Today is Saturday, and I wanted to surprise my boyfriend and visit him at his house. I took a taxi and got off in front of his house. I was wearing a white, backless dress and the necklace he gave me on the first date. I then rang his doorbell and waited... His younger brother was the one who answered the door, he looked like he didn't get any sleep. I got a small peek inside the house and it was a mess, Ran was sitting on the couch with his hands bleeding. With fear, worry, and shock being felt, I still managed to get pass Rindou, his younger and ran to Ran.

"What happened to you?!" You asked, caressing his cheeks.

"I thought you loved me..." He replied making you feel more nervous.

"Of course I do, why are you saying that? What's wrong, love?" You responded while holding moving your hand to his.

"Yesterday, you acted a little too different so I decided to follow you... I got a little too far and thought I couldn't catch up to you but then I saw you with Mitsuya..." He said staring at you before standing up.

"That motherfucker was with you yesterday!" He shouted before swinging his hands through the table full of expensive vases.

"Yes, he was with me yesterday but-" you froze when Ran glared at you and said—

"But what?... But you gave him a chance so now you want to leave me? Or are you gonna make up excuses? Tell me, Y/n, tell me!!" Ran kept screaming while walking up to you.

I have never seen Ran like this and it scares me. The eyes that used to give me the happiness is now staring at me with anger, the hands that used to always keep me safe is now gripping me tightly on the shoulders and I feel scared, the words that used to give me butterflies is now words that could kill me in an instant...

"Will you even listen to me even if I explain to you?..." You whispered, looking down.

"I don't know what to believe any more..." Ran said turning around.

"Believe me, love, I-" Ran suddenly looked at you and with all the pain visible through his voice he screamed—

"Love?! I don't even know how you got the guts to call me love and say that you love me after what you've done."

"Leave... Now, while I'm holding back. Leave before I hurt you." Ran said and your eyes widen to these words as you didn't expect him to say such things.

Scared of being hurt, I left his house. I took a taxi going home thinking about what I've done, thinking about how to tell him what happened that time considering Ran would never listen and would just think that I'm making up excuses. It hurts me to see him like this but it angers me that he doesn't trust me and didn't even listen to me. I love him, I really do, God knows how much I do...

The whole day was quiet, I have nothing to do other than think about Ran and what he could be doing right now. It was exactly 3pm when I heard the doorbell ring, I walked to the door and opened it without even looking to see who it was. With a strong force I was pushed inside and fell to the ground hitting my head and passing out. I woke up tied up in my room and there was no light in sight, so I screamed until my voice disappears but then the door opened revealing a face I never expected to see.

"Mitsuya?..." You whispered under my breath as you've ran out of breath after screaming for help.

"Y/n..." Mitsuya approached you and held your tied up hand.

"Now that I have you on my hands, I'm gonna ask you one more time... Will you give me another chance?" Mitsuya asked, his eyes glowing red, you feeling how crazy he's getting and about to get.

"Mitsuya, please stop this... I'm already in love with Ran, please. I'm really sorry, I can't give you a chance." You replied making Mitsuya's eyes widen.

"Fine..." He said and stood up.

I watched Mitsuya walk up to my nightstand where my purse was placed, took out my phone and stared to call someone. Mitsuya put it on speaker and it started to ring, it rang for so long but no one answered.

"Looks like someone doesn't want to talk to you..." Mitsuya said before dialing the number again.

Again, it rang and rang but no one was answering. Mitsuya dialed the number for more than 5 times before placing my phone on the bed.

"Why isn't he answering?... I'll just try on my phone." Mitsuya said before taking out his phone.

"If he doesn't answer, I'm taking you then. A proper boyfriend will answer his girlfriend's call incase it was an emergency and I'll only be dialing once."

Ran's pov

"Now she's calling me? Tsk, you can call me for as many times as you want but I'm not gonna answer that." Ran said.

"Don't you think you should answer it? What if it's an emergency? She's been calling for a lot of times when her house was just a minute away from here. She could've just walked if he wanted to talk to you or give you something. Ran, you need to think before doing these things. You'll be blaming yourself one day if something bad happens to her and you couldn't help her. Earlier, before she left, she looked at me with his eyes full of fear. Didn't you tell me that you're gonna keep her safe no matter what?..." Rin reminded his older brother.

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