Chapter 2: Ran Haitani

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As soon as you stepped out of the school gate, you heard Mitsuya from behind you so you ran as fast as you can before he can catch you.

Time skip, next day I went to school because I can't be absent, I have a quiz and the teacher won't give me a chance to answer it just because I'm absent. Such a strict teacher but he actually teaches really good. I've learned a lot from him...

Anyway back to my story

You entered your class and looked around to see if Mitsuya was there but he wasn't which relieved you.

You were reading a book when suddenly someone talked behind you

"Why did you run away from me yesterday? I was calling you but you suddenly ran. Was there something wrong that I did?" Mitsuya asked sitting behind you, and you felt yourself shaking.

"N-nothing! I was just in a hurry, sorry" you replied covering your face with the book.

"You should go to your seat, the teacher will be here soon." He wasn't seating on his seat so you warned him before the teacher arrived.

He stood up and walked up to his seat, taking his headphones from his bag and putting them on. You looked at him and noticed how cute he looks with his headphones on.

"Y/n is blushing!" Your best friend screamed and you quickly covered your face. At the same time, the teacher came into the room and scolded F/n for screaming.

After classes, I was looking for my wallet to buy snacks and water from the cafeteria but I realized I left it on my room back at home.

"Sh!t, of all the things I could forget, of course it had to be my wallet..." You whispered, facepalming.

Suddenly, a bottle of water and a pack of biscuits were placed on your table. Looking up, you made eye contact with Mitsuya Takashi, smiling.

I smiled but quickly looked away feeling myself blushing.

"T-thank you. I forgot my wallet and I'm hungry so I really needed that... Thank you." You said while covering your face with your hand.

Mitsuya sat down beside you and started eating. You on the other hand is still blushing, unstoppable... It took you almost five minutes to calm down.

Time skip, after your break, Mitsuya went back to his seat and all the students came walking into class. Your best friend running up to you, her face shining with happiness and excitement.

"Y/n, you won't believe what happened earlier!" She said, holding your shoulder and her face turning red.

"Why, what happened?" You asked her, trying to get out of her tight grip.

"Ran Haitani, the new guy talked to me! Gosh he's so hot! I think I love him!" Your best friend shrieked with happiness.

You just raised your eyebrows and asked, "And? Why are you blushing, just because he talked to you? What did he tell you anyway?"

"He was asking for your number." She replied, her eyes still glowing with happiness.

You looked at her with a straight face.

"Really? He was asking for MY number but there you are being in love?... Wait, why does he want my number though?" You asked with curiosity but your best friend was too busy imagining on another dimension.

Classes was still going on but I was staring into space thinking about why Ran would want my number? He doesn't even talk to me, what does he want from me now... I was busy thinking that I didn't realize that the teacher and everyone else was calling and looking at me until the teacher suddenly screamed at me.

"Yes ma'am? S-sorry, I didn't hear you." You said, embarrassed.

"You seem to be thinking about something, miss Y/n. Is there someone special, you're thinking about?" The teacher teases you with a grin on her face.

"N-no, no one at all..." You replied keeping a straight face.

"Please keep yourself focused, you don't want your grades to go down because of anyone right?" She said before proceeding to continue teaching.

You lowered your head and started writing your notes, as you usually do.

Time skip, it was dismissal when Ran Haitani approached me. I looked at him straight in the eyes, there was five second silence before he finally spoke.

"So... Can I have your number?" Ran asked, his hands at the back of his head, looking away from you.

"I will think about it, I'm not really comfortable giving my number to someone I haven't talked to." You answered before carrying your bag and walking out of the room.

"Can I court you then?" He asked, following behind you.

"We barely know each other, please stop." You answered before stepping out of the gate.

"I'll wait, anytime, anywhere. If you wanna talk, I'll be here. Just talk to me when you're comfortable." He calmly said as you walk away ignoring him.

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